Existing trees may be used to comply with the requirements of sections 14-5E-7, "Street Tree Requirements", and 14-5E-8, "Tree Requirements For Residential Uses", of this article, and to meet the tree requirements for parking areas contained in article A, "Off Street Parking And Loading Standards", of this chapter. Existing trees used to satisfy these requirements must be in good health prior to and following site development. The city forester is authorized to approve substitutions based on determination of health and survivability. Table 5E-2, "Schedule Of Substitution Values", of this section, will be used to determine the ratio of substitution. The following provisions must also be observed:
   A.   The same minimum separation distances that are required of new plantings must be observed when possible; except, that extant groupings of two (2) or more trees may be preserved upon approval by the city forester, who will also determine if trees or branches must be removed from such groupings in the interest of public safety and/or to assure survival of the specimen.
   B.   The building official will determine if a preserved tree will be a substitute for a street tree or a residential use tree, depending on its location on a lot.
   C.   The roots of a tree must be protected during site development with barrier fencing extending out at least as far as the drip line of the tree, or as far as the city forester deems necessary to minimize damage. Any limbs that might be damaged during construction must be pruned according to the direction of the city forester.
   D.   No paving or construction will be allowed within the drip line of a preserved tree.
   E.   Any preserved tree that dies within five (5) years of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy must be replaced by the same number of trees for which it substituted.
Table 5E-2: Schedule Of Substitution Values1
Diameter Of Existing Tree (Measured 4 Feet Above Ground Level)
Substitution Value
   36 inches or more
3 required trees
   12 to 35 inches
2 required trees
   2 to 12 inches
1 required tree
   1.    The substitution value of groupings of 1 or more trees, provided their preservation as a group is approved by the city forester, will be based on the caliper measure of the largest tree of the group.
(Ord. 05-4186, 12-15-2005)