A.   Permitted Species: The list of recommended trees for Iowa City, as established by the city forester, specifies the varieties of trees permitted for the uses indicated by this article. References to "large" or "small" trees herein refer to the mature heights of the trees as indicated in said list.
   B.   Landscape Plans Required: When the provisions of this article are applicable, a landscaping plan must be submitted that illustrates and lists the following information:
      1.   The size and location of required planting areas.
      2.   The mature height (small or large) of both proposed trees and trees that will be preserved.
      3.   The species of trees (both preserved and proposed).
      4.   The location of the preserved and proposed trees.
      5.   The location of any existing trees within the right of way.
   C.   Measurements:
      1.   When measuring to determine the location or spacing of required trees or shrubs, the distance is measured to the center of the tree or shrub.
      2.   Where fractional numbers of trees result from calculations, the number of trees required will be rounded to the closest whole number. (Ord. 05-4186, 12-15-2005)