Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meanings of the terms used in this chapter shall be as follows:
(a) "City manager" shall mean the City Manager of the City or his or her designee.
(b) "Sidewalk" shall mean the paved surface provided for the exclusive use of pedestrians in the public right-of-way and situated between and extending from any building to the curb of any street (excluding therefrom any unpaved area).
(c) "Sidewalk café" shall mean an outdoor dining area located on a public sidewalk that is public through easement, dedication, or right-of-way; that provides wait staff service or counter service; that contains readily removable tables and chairs. It is unenclosed by fixed walls and is open to the air, except that it may have umbrellas.
(d) "Sidewalk café district" shall mean the area in which a business owner may operate a sidewalk café. The district shall consist of Depot Street (Adams Street to Washington Street); Kidd Street (Adams Street to Washington Street); Main Street (Dexter Street to Kidd Street); and, Steele Street (Adams Street to Washington Street).
(Ord. 453. Passed 11-6-07.)