The City Council shall have the right to revoke any license once granted or deny annual renewal thereof when it appears to its satisfaction that any licensee has violated this subchapter or any applicable provision of this code, any applicable ordinance of the city, or statute of the state. The issuance of any license or the denial or renewal thereof shall not be made without a hearing before the City Council. Notice must first be given of hearing and the reasons for such revocation or denial of renewal of said license. Any conviction of a violation of this subchapter or any applicable provision of this code, any applicable ordinance of the city, or statute of the state involving moral turpitude, by the licensee or his employees shall be grounds for revocation of any license or the refusal to renew the same.
('68 Code, § 3-170) (Ord. 600, passed 4-18-83)
The provisions of this subchapter shall not apply to mechanical amusement devices located and operated in a private residence for the private and nonbusiness use of the family members therein and their guests, nor shall they apply to mechanical amusement devices located in any city-owned property and operated by or on behalf of the city. With respect to the use and operation of mechanical-amusement devices by other municipal corporations, school districts or non-profit organizations, the City Council may exempt use from the provisions of this subchapter and impose any restrictions deemed necessary for the preservation of the public health, welfare and morals.
('68 Code, § 3-172) (Ord. 600, passed 4-18-83)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
MECHANICAL AMUSEMENT DEVICE. A machine which, for a fee or upon the insertion of a coin or slug, operates or may be operated for use as a game, contest or amusement of any description, or which may be used for any such same, contest or amusement, and which contains no automatic device for the return of slugs, money, coin, checks, tokens or merchandise or which provides for no such device by any other means or manner.
MINOR. Any person under the age of the majority.
STREET LOCATION LICENSE. Any establishment containing three or less mechanical amusement devices.
('68 Code, § 3-143) (Ord. 599, passed 4-18-83)