96.01 Definitions
Rules and Regulations
96.15 Encroachments prohibited
96.16 Advertising and posting
96.17 Molesting wildlife prohibited
96.18 Games restricted; gambling prohibited
96.19 Alcoholic beverages prohibited
96.20 Parades and processions; permits required
96.21 Picnics limited to designated areas
96.22 Building fires restricted; fireworks prohibited
96.23 Peddling and selling prohibited; exception
96.24 Closing hours
Administration and Enforcement
96.35 Duty of commission
96.36 Permits indemnity agreement
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
COMMISSION. The Commissioners of the Department of Parks and Recreation.
DEPARTMENT. The Department of Parks and Recreation.
PARKS and PUBLIC PLACES. Unless specifically limited, shall be deemed to include all parks, park lots, parkways, grass plots, playgrounds creation centers, athletic fields, open places, square, lands under water and other areas which are now or may hereafter be acquired by purchase, gift, devise, bequeath, loan or lease.
(‘68 Code, § 7-701) (Ord. 238, passed 3-1-65)
No person shall erect, maintain or permit to be erected or maintained any building, obstruction or encroachment of any kind upon any park, park lot, playfield, playground or public place. The word encroachment as hereby used shall be deemed to include any sign, cornice, bay-window, awning, marquee, porch, drive, walk or other projection of any character which rests upon or projects over any park property or public place as defined.
(‘68 Code, § 7-703) (Ord. 238, passed 3-1-65) Penalty, see § 10.99
No person shall distribute or display any advertising matter, political or otherwise, upon or from any vehicle, nor post or place any notices, signs or other encumbrances of any description upon any erection, structure or tree, shrub or wire which may be growing or erected in, upon or surrounding any park or public property under the control of the Department of Parks and Recreation.
(‘68 Code, § 7-705) (Ord. 238, passed 3-1-65) Penalty, see § 10.99