• Section 4A.03 Standards Applicable to All Form-Based Districts.
   (a)   Form-Based Code Hierarchy.
      (1)   Each parcel has a site type, building form, and is assigned a use group.
      (2)   The steps to determine the regulations that apply to a specific property within a form-based district are as follows:
         A.   Find the site in question on the appropriate regulating plan map.
         B.   Identify the Site Type for the site in question. Sites are classified based on their size, shape and location.
         C.   Consult the Use Groups and for the District in which the site is located listed in Section 4A.03(d).
         D.   Follow the regulations for the chosen building form when designing the proposed development. Building form regulations are established in Section 4A.03(c).
         E.   Follow the design standards as listed in Section 4A.03(d).
         F.   Obtain site plan approval or special use approval for the chosen building form and use, as appropriate.
Locate the Site
Determine Site Type (4A.03(b)) for site in question
Review permissible Building Forms (4A.03(c)) and Use Groups (4A.03(d)) for Site Type
Apply Building Form standard (4A.03(c)) for applicable building form
Apply Design Standards (4A.03(e))
Submit site plan for approval
   (b)   Site Types.
      (1)   Site Type A (small residential or mixed use sites). Site Type A is composed of lots one-half (0.5) acre or smaller, and are reserved primarily for residential use and for smaller non-residential use which is compatible with a residential setting. Site Type A is generally located in areas which serve as a transition between the street and neighboring residential areas. The building form selected for these sites must consider both the front elevation that fronts on the street but also the rear/side elevation that is adjacent to residential in order to maintain compatibility with adjacent uses.
      (2)   Site Type B (small commercial/office or mixed use sites). Made up mostly of lots in the one-half (0.5) acre and smaller range, the Site Type B category is reserved for the smallest, single-use sites developed for free standing commercial and office or mixed use developments. Site Type B size and character may vary based on the unique characteristic of each parcel. Small retail and food-service uses would often be found in this category, as well as small multi-tenant office buildings or single-tenant office buildings.
         Site Type B sites must be designed to better integrate with their surroundings to contribute to a more cohesive District, a more consistent building line, and more efficient access between sites. Access for pedestrians and cross access for vehicles will help sites in this Category reduce trips entering and existing from corridors and arterials. When located at corners, the buildings should frame and enhance street corners through the use of architecturally prominent features at the corners or prominent three dimensional site improvements (fountains, towers, sculpture, art, etc.). Groups of Site Type B properties may make excellent candidates for assembly to create more cohesive development projects.
      (3)   Site Type C (medium commercial/office and mixed use sites). The sites in Site Type C are mostly between one-half (0.5) and two (2) acres in area, and are located at the edges of larger Site Type D sites. Site Type C size and character may vary based on the unique characteristic of each parcel. This category can include free standing single-use developments situated nearby one another; however the Site Type C category should be designed to consider of integration of adjacent parcels. Integration will allow for better interaction between users, which could lead to a more readily shared customer and tenant base and could help reduce City traffic.
         The setback and orientation of the buildings in Site Type C should be situated as to reinforce a consistent building line with minor variations. Primary building entries, public areas, administration areas, and windows should be visible, oriented, and accessible from the primary street and parking facilities. When located at corners, the buildings should frame and enhance street corners through the use of architecturally prominent features at the corners or prominent three dimensional site improvements (fountains, towers, sculpture, art, etc.).
      (4)   Site Type D (large scale regional sites). Site Type D properties are greater than two (2) acres in area, but designed to function as one unit. Site Type D size and character may vary based on the unique characteristic of each parcel.
         Walkability within and between sites and provision of supporting buildings and uses are important to the success of the very large, Site Type D developments. They should be designed with a mix of uses in mind to allow for users to obtain basic services on or immediately near the site. Especially within large office centers, where hundreds of workers may populate the site during the day, restaurants, postal facilities and other daily needs should be integrated within existing buildings or permitted to exist in smaller out-lot developments or nearby developments in Site Type A, or B, or C categories.
         Site design should strongly focus on putting the densest components of the project within close range of the primary right-of-way to combat the vast open areas that frequently make such sites difficult or undesirable for pedestrians. The development of these sites is often phased. The phasing must include consistent building form treatment.
   (c)   Building Form Standards.
      (1)   The mixed-use districts permit a series of building forms, dependent on the site context. The building forms, set forth in Tables 4A.03(c), are established in this section as follows.
      (2)   Building forms are designated within each district location based on the regulating plan. Building forms are classified in the following manner:
         A.   Permitted Building Forms. These building forms are permitted as of right in the locations specified, and are depicted with the symbol P.
         B.   Prohibited Building Forms. Building forms that are not identified as permitted in the locations specified are prohibited.
         C.   Exceptions: For all building forms in all locations, awnings, signs, other projections (architectural projections, bay windows, etc.) may project into the right-of-way beyond the required building line by up to 5 feet. Projections will be reviewed by the City to ensure public safety.
      (3)   The regulating plan dictates the site type for each individual property in the district. Building forms are identified within each district as permitted or not permitted based upon the site type.
      (4)   Non-Residential Development Height, Setback, and Greenbelt Provisions when Adjacent to any Residentially Zoned or Used Property.
         A.   Setback and Greenbelt:
            1.   Site Type A and B. The following setback and greenbelt shall be provided for any parcel zoned Site Type A or B that is adjacent to a residentially zoned or used parcel.
               a.   When a parcel is abutting or adjacent to a residentially zoned or used parcel without an intervening alley or street, the building setback from the property line of the residentially zoned or used parcel shall be no less than the height of the building on the non-residential parcel.
               b.   When a parcel is abutting or adjacent to a residentially zoned or used parcel without an intervening alley or street, a minimum 20-foot landscaped greenbelt shall be maintained from the property line of the residentially zoned or used parcel. The greenbelt shall be landscaped and screened in accordance with Section 5.10.
               c.   The Planning Commission may deviate from these setback and greenbelt provisions in the course of its site plan review process; however, the Planning Commission shall not permit a setback or greenbelt that is less than required in the building form. In the review of the deviation, the Planning Commission shall consider the standards as set forth in Section 4A.03(c)(4)C.
            2.   Site Type C and D. The following setback and greenbelt shall be provided for any parcel zoned Site Type C or D that is adjacent to a residentially zoned or used parcel.
               a.   When a property is abutting or adjacent to a residentially zoned or used parcel without an intervening alley or street, the setback from the property line of the residentially zoned or used parcel shall be no less than twice the height of the building on the non-residential parcel.
               b.   When a property is abutting or adjacent to a residentially zoned or used parcel without an intervening alley or street, a minimum 40-foot landscaped greenbelt shall be maintained from the property line of the residentially zoned or used parcel. The greenbelt shall be landscaped, screened in accordance with Section 5.10 and include a minimum 6-foot high berm.
               c.   The Planning Commission may deviate from these setbacks and greenbelt provisions in the course of its site plan review process; however, the Planning Commission shall not permit a setback or greenbelt that is less than required in the building form. In the review of the deviation, the Planning Commission shall consider the following standards set forth in Section 4A.03(c)(4)C.
         B.   Deviation Standards:
            1.   Height, setback, and greenbelt deviations may be granted by the Planning Commission if the following is found:
               a.   The deviation shall not adversely impact public health, safety, and welfare.
               b.   The deviation shall maintain compatibility with adjacent uses.
               c.   The deviation shall be compatible with the Master Plan and in accordance with the goals and objectives of the Master Plan and any associated subarea and corridor plans.
               d.   The deviation shall not adversely impact essential public facilities and services, such as: streets, pedestrian or bicycle facilities, police and fire protection, drainage systems, refuse disposal, water and sewage facilities, and schools.
               e.   The deviation shall be in compliance with all other zoning ordinance standards.
               f.   The deviation shall not adversely impact any on-site or off-site natural features.
Table 4A-1
Building Form A.1
Building Form A.1: Small, generally single-purpose buildings for residential. Typically situated on a smaller lot, in more remote site location within the district, adjacent to single family residential.
Table 4A-1
Building Form A.1
Building Form A.1: Small, generally single-purpose buildings for residential. Typically situated on a smaller lot, in more remote site location within the district, adjacent to single family residential.
Building Height
Minimum 1 story, 14-foot height
Maximum 3 stories, 38-foot height
Building Placement
Front Yard: 10-foot required build- to line1
75% of the building facade must meet the required build-to line, while up to 25% of the facade can be setback to allow for architectural consideration
Side Yard: No minimum side setback
If provided, minimum 5 feet
Rear Yard: Minimum 10-foot rear setback
Impervious Surface: Maximum 80%
Access and circulation: Driveways may access the site from any side, pedestrian pathways must be provided from the right-of-way, and cross access shall be provided in instances where a development is within an out lot of a higher classified building form
Parking location: Parking shall be located in a side or rear yard; when located in a side yard and abutting the required build-to line adjacent to the right-of-way, parking shall be screened with a minimum 30-inch masonry wall on the required build-to line, or within 5 feet of the required build-to line, provided that a landscape treatment is added between the wall and the required build-to line
1   The Planning Commission may adjust the required build-to line to a maximum of 30 feet beyond the property line for projects incorporating a permanent space for an outdoor café, public space, or a cross access drive with an adjacent parcel. Outdoor cafés or public spaces must be developed as part of the primary building and must incorporate a permanent wall or landscaping area along the required build-to line.
Table 4A-2
Building Form A.2
Building Form A.2: Small, generally single-purpose buildings for retail, office, restaurant, or service uses. Typically situated on a smaller lot within the district. Adjacent to single-family residential.
Table 4A-2
Building Form A.2
Building Form A.2: Small, generally single-purpose buildings for retail, office, restaurant, or service uses. Typically situated on a smaller lot within the district. Adjacent to single-family residential.
Building Height
Minimum 1 story, 14-foot height
Maximum 3 stories, 38-foot height
Building Placement
Front Yard: 10-foot required build- to line1
75% of the building facade must meet the required build-to line, while up to 25% of the facade can be setback to allow for architectural consideration
Side Yard: No minimum side setback
If provided, minimum 5 feet
Rear Yard: Minimum 10-foot rear setback
Impervious Surface: Maximum 80%
Access and circulation: Driveways may access the site from any side, pedestrian pathways must be provided from the right-of-way, and cross access shall be provided in instances where a development is within an out lot of a higher classified building form
Parking location: Parking shall be located in a side or rear yard; when located in a side yard and abutting the required build-to line adjacent to the right-of-way, parking shall be screened with a minimum 30-inch masonry wall on the required build-to line, or within 5 feet of the required build-to line, provided that a landscape treatment is added between the wall and the required build-to line
1   The Planning Commission may adjust the required build-to line to a maximum of 30 feet beyond the property line for projects incorporating a permanent space for an outdoor café, public space, or a cross access drive with an adjacent parcel. Outdoor cafés or public spaces must be developed as part of the primary building and must incorporate a permanent wall or landscaping area along the required build-to line.
Table 4A-3
Building Form B
Building Form B: Small, generally single-purpose buildings for retail, office, restaurant, or service uses. Typically situated in an out lot of a larger classification building form, or on a smaller, more remote site location within the district.
Table 4A-3
Building Form B
Building Form B: Small, generally single-purpose buildings for retail, office, restaurant, or service uses. Typically situated in an out lot of a larger classification building form, or on a smaller, more remote site location within the district.
Building Height
Minimum 1 story, 14-foot height
Maximum 3 stories, 38-foot height
Building Placement
Front Yard: 10-foot required build- to line1
75% of the building facade must meet the required build-to line, while up to 25% of the facade can be setback to allow for architectural consideration
Side Yard: No minimum side setback
If provided, minimum 5 feet
Rear Yard: Minimum 10-foot rear setback
Impervious Surface: Maximum 80%
Access and circulation: Driveways may access the site from any side, pedestrian pathways must be provided from the right-of-way, and cross access shall be provided in instances where a development is within an out lot of a higher classified building form
Parking location: Parking shall be located in a side or rear yard; when located in a side yard and abutting the required build-to line adjacent to the right-of-way, parking shall be screened with a minimum 30-inch masonry wall on the required build-to line, or within 5 feet of the required build-to line, provided that a landscape treatment is added between the wall and the required build-to line
1   The Planning Commission may adjust the required build-to line to a maximum of 30 feet beyond the property line for projects incorporating a permanent space for an outdoor café, public space, or a cross access drive with an adjacent parcel. Outdoor cafés or public spaces must be developed as part of the primary building and must incorporate a permanent wall or landscaping area along the required build-to line.
Table 4A-4
Building Form C
Building Form C: Single or multiple-tenant buildings for retail, restaurant, office, service, or residential uses. This category also includes multiple-tenant development, although it requires a second story to encourage a mix of use.
Table 4A-4
Building Form C
Building Form C: Single or multiple-tenant buildings for retail, restaurant, office, service, or residential uses. This category also includes multiple-tenant development, although it requires a second story to encourage a mix of use.
Building Height
Minimum 2 stories, 24-foot height
Maximum 4 stories, 45-foot height
Ground floor 14-foot minimum height
Building Placement
Front Yard: Maximum 60-foot required build-to line
Side Yard: No minimum side setback
If provided, minimum 5 feet
Rear Yard: Minimum 30-foot rear setback
Impervious Surface: Maximum 80%
Access and circulation: Driveways may access the site from any side, pedestrian pathways must be provided from the right-of-way, and cross access shall be provided
Parking location: Parking may be located in any yard; when located in a front or side yard adjacent to the primary building and abutting the right-of-way, parking shall be screened with a minimum 30-inch masonry wall on the required build-to line, or within 5 feet of the required build-to line, provided that a landscape treatment is added between the wall and the required build-to line; if parking is provided in the front yard only 1 row is permitted
Table 4A-5
Building Form D
Building Form D: This category is primarily designed for attached residential, however, non-residential use may be included in the ground floor. Townhouses and urban-style residential developments that are compatible with the Master Plan identified higher-density and more urban character of this area.
Table 4A-5
Building Form D
Building Form D: This category is primarily designed for attached residential, however, non-residential use may be included in the ground floor. Townhouses and urban-style residential developments that are compatible with the Master Plan identified higher-density and more urban character of this area.
Building Height
Minimum 2 stories, no minimum height
Maximum 4 stories, 45-foot height
Ground floor: No minimum height
Building Placement
Front Yard: 10-foot required build-to line1
75% of the building facade must meet the required build-to line, while up to 25% of the facade can be setback to allow for architectural consideration
Side Yard: No minimum side setback
If provided, minimum 5 feet
Rear Yard: Minimum 10-foot rear setback
Impervious Surface: Maximum 60%
Access and circulation: Parking may be accessed from right-of-way (ROW) or alley; detached garages or multi-garage structures are permitted only in a rear yard, or behind primary buildings; pedestrian pathways shall be provided from the right-of way
Parking location: Parking shall be located in a rear yard; parking may also be provided in integrated garages or detached garages; on-street parking within private roads in developments is highly encouraged
1   The Planning Commission may adjust the required build-to line to a maximum of 30 feet beyond the property line for projects incorporating a permanent front yard, enclosed space that shall incorporate a permanent wall or landscaping area along the required build-to line.
Table 4A-6
Building Form E
Building Form E: This category provides an opportunity for large-format retail or entertainment uses within the district. They directly abut the right-of-way, provide parking in the rear or side yards, and contribute to the street atmosphere by providing a consistent street front with other, more pedestrian-oriented projects. They may be set back from the right-of-way, but only when they provide out-lots within the same project for category B, C, or D building forms on the same or on separate lots.
Table 4A-6
Building Form E
Building Form E: This category provides an opportunity for large-format retail or entertainment uses within the district. They directly abut the right-of-way, provide parking in the rear or side yards, and contribute to the street atmosphere by providing a consistent street front with other, more pedestrian-oriented projects. They may be set back from the right-of-way, but only when they provide out-lots within the same project for category B, C, or D building forms on the same or on separate lots.
Building Height
Rear building: Minimum 14 feet, 1 story; Maximum 38 feet, 3 stories
Front buildings: Minimum 26 feet, 2 stories (14 feet minimum ground floor); Maximum 45 feet, 4 stories
Building Placement
Front Yard: 10-foot required build-to line1
Side Yard: No minimum side setback;
if provided, minimum 5 feet
Rear Yard: Minimum 10-foot rear setback
Building Frontage: Minimum 70% of lot frontage for 2-story buildings and 50% for 3-story buildings or more
Impervious Surface: Maximum 90%
Access and circulation: Driveways may access the site from any side, pedestrian pathways must be provided from the right-of-way, and cross access shall be provided in instances where a development is within an out lot of a higher classified building form
Parking location: Parking shall be located in a side or rear yard; when located in a side yard and abutting the required build-to line adjacent the primary building, parking shall be screened with a minimum 30-inch masonry wall on the required build-to line, or within 5 feet of the required build-to line, provided that a landscape treatment is added between the wall and the required build-to line
1   The Planning Commission may eliminate the required build-to line for projects incorporating a permanent series of additional lots or smaller buildings in the A, B, C, or D building form categories, provided that those additional lots and/or buildings make up the entire frontage of the overall development along the required build-to line, with the exception of access drives. The required build-to line frontage minimum for the additional lots and/or other buildings forms along the required build-to line shall apply for each individual additional lot and/or building.
   (d)   Authorized Use Groups.
      (1)   Authorized uses are categorized by use groups as set forth in Table 4A-7. Use groups generally contain similar types of uses in terms of function, character, and intensity.
      (2)   Use groups are designated in locations within each district based on the regulating plan. Use groups are classified in the following manner:
         A.   Permitted Use Groups. These use groups are permitted as of right in the locations specified.
         B.   Special Use Groups. These use groups are permitted after review and approval by the Planning Commission, in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 3.03 and the standards in this Ordinance.
         C.   Prohibited Use Groups. These use groups not indicated as permitted are prohibited in the locations specified.
         D.   Uses permitted in all locations within the District. Public parks and essential public services are permitted by right in all locations.
         E.   Similar Uses. If a use is not listed but is similar to other uses within a use group, the Zoning Administrator may make the interpretation that the use is similar to other uses within a use group.
            The Zoning Administrator may also make the determination whether the use is permitted as of right, permitted in upper stories only, or permitted as a special use. The Zoning Administrator may obtain a recommendation from the Planning Commission as to whether or not the proposed use is similar to a use permitted as of right, permitted in upper stories only, or permitted as a special use.
Table 4A-7
Use Groups by Category
Table 4A-7
Use Groups by Category
Use Group 1
Residential Uses:
One-Family detached and attached dwellings
Two-Family dwellings
Use Group 2
Misc. Residential / Related Uses:
Places of Worship
Multiple-Family dwellings
Live/Work units, Home Occupations
Senior assisted/independent living
Group day care homes
Child care centers
Bed and Breakfast
Use Group 3
Office / Institutional:
Civic Buildings
General office
Professional and medical office
Medical office
Primary/secondary schools (private)
Post-secondary schools
Data centers
Technology centers/office research
Publicly owned/operated office and service facilities
Funeral homes
Veterinary clinics or hospitals
Use Group 4
Automobile / Transportation Uses:
Vehicle sales
Vehicle service station
Vehicle repair station
Vehicle body repair
Vehicle wash
Drive-Thru Uses
Use Group 5
Retail, Entertainment, and Services Uses:
Financial institutions
General retail
Personal services
Business services
Use Group 6
Misc. Commercial Uses:
Building and lumber supply
Garden centers, nurseries
Outdoor commercial recreation
Commercial kennels / pet day care
Retail, large format
Shopping centers
Fitness, gymnastics, and exercise centers
Theatres and places of assembly
Indoor commercial recreation establishments
Use Group 7
Industrial Uses:
Contractor's Equipment Storage
Food Products
Commercial outdoor storage
Manufacturing, Processing, etc.
Metal Plating
Tool and Die, Gauge and Machine Shops
Truck / Trailer Rental
Warehousing / Wholesale
Experimental Research and Testing Labs
   (e)   Design Standards. In addition to standards set forth in this Ordinance, all proposed development shall comply with the standards set forth herein.
      (1)   Pedestrian/Non-Motorized Access.
         A.   Intent. To ensure that site layout and building design provides safe and convenient pedestrian and bicycle access both to and within a site and between adjacent sites.
         B.   Standards.
            1.   A pedestrian connection shall provide a clear connection between the primary street upon which the building fronts and the building. Connection may include pavement striping.
            2.   Pedestrian access shall be clearly identified from parking areas and all entrances to a building.
            3.   Where appropriate, sidewalks fronting the public right-of-way should be designed to accommodate space for activities such as outdoor dining.
      (2)   Building Placement and Orientation.
         A.   Intent. To require building placement that provides a strong visual and functional relationship with its site, adjacent sites, and the primary street upon which the site is located. Ensure consistency within sites and to adjacent sites to provide distinct building groups which exhibit similar orientation, scale, and proportion.
         B.   Standards.
            1.   Setbacks and building orientation shall reinforce a consistent pattern of siting.
            2.   Primary building entrances shall front on the public street and have a direct pedestrian access from the parking area. All Building entries shall be located so that they are easily identifiable with convenient public access.
            3.   Buildings should enhance street corners through the use of prominent architectural or site features.
      (3)   Parking Placement, Orientation, and Screening.
         A.   Intent. To provide a circulation system that efficiently moves vehicles in a well-defined manner, while reducing the visual impact of parking areas and mitigating conflict between pedestrians, bicycles, and automobiles.
         B.   Standards.
            1.   Required Parking. Off-street parking shall be provided for a principal use erected, altered, or expanded after the effective date of this Ordinance in accordance with the standards set forth in Article 10.
               a.   The Form Based districts are intended to encourage pedestrian and friendly design and compact mixed-use developments. Applicants are encouraged to consider the provisions for shared parking and flexibility in application set forth in Article 10, Section 10.03(e).
               b.   The placement and design of parking areas and structures shall foster safe pedestrian access and circulation and clearly identifiable public access and visitor parking. Pedestrian access shall be provided between all parking areas and public building entrances.
            2.   Location.
               a.   When parking is located in a side yard (behind the front building line) but fronts on the required building line, no more than twenty-five (25) percent of the total site's linear feet along the required building line or sixty (60) feet, whichever is less, shall be occupied by parking.
               b.   For a corner lot, no more than twenty-five (25) percent of the site's cumulative linear feet along the required building lines or sixty (60) feet, whichever is less, shall be occupied by parking. The building shall be located in the corner of the lot adjacent to the intersection.
               c.   Where off-street parking is visible from a street, it should be screened in accordance with the standards set forth herein.
      (4)   Architectural Design and Building Materials.
         A.   Intent. To create a character for the form based district that encourage the greatest amount of visual interest, architectural consistency, and high quality material use. The standards are not intended to limit imagination, innovation, or variety.
         B.   Architectural Design Standards.
            1.   Building Massing and Scale.
               a.   Rooflines and pitches shall be proportionate to nearby structures so as to provide transition or mitigation of significant changes to scale. Variety in massing can occur though step-backs as a building ascends upward.
               b.   Buildings shall maintain a consistent streetwall with the longest edge of the buildings oriented parallel to the roadway, where possible.
               c.   Buildings within the same development shall be designed to provide a unified and easily identifiable image. Methods to achieve this include using similar architectural styles and materials, complementary roof forms, signs, and colors.
            2.   Facade Variation.
               a.   Facade articulation or architectural design variations for building walls facing the street are required to ensure that the building is not monotonous in appearance, using the following architectural techniques: Building wall offsets (projections and recesses); cornices, varying building materials or pilasters shall be used to break up the mass of a single building; staggering of vertical walls; recessing openings; providing upper-level roof overhangs; using deep score lines at construction joints; contrasting compatible building materials; use of variety and rhythm of window and door openings; use of horizontal and vertical architectural elements, use of horizontal bands of compatible colors; and providing changes in roof shape or roof-line.
               b.   Materials shall be selected for suitability to the type of buildings and the architectural design in which they are used.
               c.   Material selection shall be consistent with architectural style in terms of color, shades, and texture, however monotony shall be avoided.
      (5)   Ground Story Activation.
         A.   Intent. The first floors of all buildings shall be designed to encourage and complement pedestrian-scale activity and crime prevention techniques. It is intended that this be accomplished principally by the use of windows and doors arranged so that active uses within the building are visible from or accessible to the street, and parking areas are visible to occupants of the building.
         B.   Standards.
            1.   Facade transparency shall be defined as the use of glass or transparent material that provides from the building exterior a view into the building of interior habitation and human scale. Signs covering windows, and the use of tinted, reflective or opaque glass do not meet the definition of facade transparency.
            2.   The first floor of any front facade facing a right-of-way shall be no less than fifty (50) percent windows and doors, and the minimum transparency for facades facing a side street, side yard, or parking area shall be no less than thirty (30) percent of the facade. The minimum transparency requirement shall apply to all sides of a building that abut an open space, including a side yard, or public right-of-way. Transparency requirements shall not apply to sides which abut an alley. Nothing shall be placed on or inside window to reduce transparency less than the 50% requirement.
            3.   Modified wall design may be used as an alternative to the standard set forth in Section 4A.03(e)(5)B.2. but may count for no more than eighty (80) percent of the transparency requirement. Wall designs must provide a minimum of three (3) of the following elements, occurring at intervals no greater than twenty-five (25) feet horizontally and ten (10) feet vertically:
               a.   Expression of structural system and infill panels through change in plane not less than three (3) inches.
               b.   System of horizontal and vertical scaling elements such as: belt course, string courses, cornice, pilasters.
               c.   System of horizontal and vertical reveals not less than one (1) inch in width/depth.
               d.   Variations in material module, pattern, and/or color.
               e.   System of integrated architectural ornamentation.
               f.   Green screen or planter walls.
               g.   Translucent, fritted, patterned, or colored glazing.
      (6)   Landscaping.
         A.   Intent. To incorporate appropriate landscaping to enhance visual appearance, provide transitions between properties, and screen unsightly areas.
         B.   Landscaping Standards.
            1.   The standards set forth in Section 5.10, the following standards shall be met.
            2.   Landscaping shall conform and incorporate existing landscape and topographic features.
            3.   Landscaping within courtyards, patios, and pedestrian realm may include hardscape and softscape materials.
            4.   Landscaping shall maintain adequate sight lines for visual safety, visibility and efficient security.
            5.   Landscaped areas, including landscaped parking islands and medians, shall be separated from vehicular and pedestrian encroachment by curbs and raised planting areas.
            6.   Measured from the inside of the outermost curb line, a parking lot shall employ at least 10% of landscaped area in the form of parking islands, planting strips between parking rows.
      (7)   Loading and Storage Areas.
         A.   Intent. To ensure that loading, storage, and other building utility features are designed to be a part of the overall building as so to reduce the visual impact.
         B.   Standards.
            1.   Utilities and Mechanical Screening.
               a.   Utility structures located between the building and the public right-of-way be screened as set forth in Section 5.10. Screening may include walls, fencing, or landscaping that is consistent with the character and materials of the development.
               b.   Trash enclosures shall be placed adjacent to the rear wall of corresponding buildings or shall be located away from portions of the site which are highly visible from public roadways or private properties with dissimilar improvements. Trash enclosures shall be screened as set forth in Section 5.10 with walls, fencing or landscaping that are consistent with the character and materials of the development.
            2.   Loading.
               a.   Service areas should be designated by markings and/or signage to delineate them from pedestrian access and limit conflicts between service/delivery vehicles and patrons (e.g. pedestrians, bicyclists and transit users).
               b.   Service areas should be shared and/or consolidated within multi-tenant developments.
               c.   Loading and service areas shall be located on the sides or rears of the buildings.
               d.   Loading and service areas shall be screened from the public right-of-way with the use of fencing, landscaping, or walls.
               e.   Freestanding storage facilities (including warehousing) shall comply with all design standards.
               f.   Accessory facilities such as storage areas, and vehicle service areas shall be located away from portions of the site which are highly visible from public roadways or private properties with dissimilar improvements.
   (8)   Signs.
      1.   All signs within a Form Based District shall meet all of the requirements of Article 7 Signs unless otherwise specified herein.
      2.   Freestanding Signs.
         a.   Freestanding signs within each Use Group shall comply with the following height and area requirements:
Use Groups
1, 2
32 per side, not to exceed a total of 64
50 per side, not to exceed 100
4, 5, 6, 7
50 per side, not to exceed 100
         b.   A freestanding sign in a Form Based District shall be located no closer than five (5) feet from the public right-of-way.
      3.   Wall Signs. Wall signs within each use group shall comply with the following area requirements:
Use Groups
Area per One Foot of Building Frontage (sq. ft.)
Maximum Area (sq. ft.)
1, 2
4, 5, 6, 7
      4.   Projecting Signs. Projecting signs shall be permitted for Use Group 3-6 only in accordance with Section 7.05 .
      5.   Interior Window Signs. Interior window signs shall be permitted for Use Groups 3-6 only in accordance with Section 7.06 , provided such signs do not reduce transparency requirements set forth in Section 4.04A (e)(5)B.