8-2-1: Short Title, Purpose And Applicability
8-2-2: Definitions
8-2-3: Approvals Required
8-2-4: Designation Of Street Names
8-2-5: Private Lanes
8-2-6: Street Naming And Address Numbering
8-2-7: Subdivisions
8-2-8: Changes In Street Names
8-2-9: Street Name Signs
8-2-10: Variances
8-2-11: Fees
8-2-12: Violation; Penalty
This chapter shall be known as the CITY OF HORSESHOE BEND STREET NAMING AND ADDRESS NUMBERING ORDINANCE, and is adopted for the purpose of providing a uniform street name and addressing milepost system to aid local emergency vehicles and utility companies and for the proper administration and enforcement of these systems. This chapter shall apply to all lands within the incorporated areas of the city. (Ord. 218, 8-8-2007)
As used in this chapter, the following words shall have the following meanings:
BOARD: The Boise County board of commissioners.
COUNCIL: The city council of the city of Horseshoe Bend.
COUNTY: Boise County, state of Idaho.
CUL-DE-SAC: A dead end street that provides a turnaround at its terminus.
OFFICIAL ADDRESSING SYSTEM NUMBERING MAPS: The maps showing all of the streets within the city of Horseshoe Bend with the official address numbering grid system and address number ranges.
OFFICIAL STREET NAME LIST: The list containing the official street names within the incorporated areas of the city. Said list shall be composed of all street names having been given official recognition by the council and the board (as may be necessary).
OFFICIAL STREET NAME MAPS: The maps showing all of the streets within the city with the official name shown thereon.
PLAT: A subdivision plat.
PRIVATE STREET: A private access not dedicated to public use or maintained by the city.
PUBLIC STREET: Those vehicular travelways with right of way owned by the city or dedicated to public use and maintained by the city.
SHALL: Means that the requirement is mandatory.
STREET: A right of way for public or private use which provides vehicular and/or pedestrian access. Its designation includes the following terms: avenue, boulevard, court, drive, place, street, parkway, lane, circle, trail and way. (Ord. 218, 8-8-2007; amd. 2008 Code)
Before any street is named, approval shall be obtained from the council. Any address numbers shall be assigned and approved by the city clerk or her designee. Official street names shall be maintained on an official street name map and official street name list filed in city hall. (Ord. 218, 8-8-2007)