8-10.1 Claims for certain exemptions
8-10.2 Rules
8-10.3 Exemption—Homes
8-10.4 Home, lease, lessees defined
8-10.5 Exemption—Homes of totally disabled veterans
8-10.6 Exemption—Persons affected with leprosy
8-10.7 Exemption—Persons with impaired sight or hearing and persons totally disabled
8-10.8 Exemption—Nonprofit medical, hospital indemnity association
8-10.9 Exemption—Charitable purposes
8-10.10 Exemption—Crop shelters
8-10.11 Exemption—Dedicated lands in urban districts
8-10.12 Exemption—Renewable energy
8-10.13 Exemption—Fixtures used in manufacturing or producing tangible personal products
8-10.14 Exemption—Public property
8-10.15 Lessees of exempt real property
8-10.16 Property of the United States leased under the National Housing Act
8-10.17 Exemption—Low-income rental housing
8-10.18 Claim for exemption
8-10.19 Exemption—Historic residential real property dedicated for preservation
8-10.20 Other exemptions
8-10.21 Exemption—Credit union
8-10.22 Exemption—Slaughterhouses
8-10.23 Exemption—Qualifying construction work
8-10.24 Exemption—Public service
8-10.25 Additional terms and conditions for exemption of low-income rental housing projects on Hawaiian home lands
8-10.26 Exemption—Nonprofit organization thrift shops
8-10.27 Exemption—Historic commercial real property dedicated for preservation
8-10.28 Exemption—Qualifying agricultural improvements for dedicated vacant agricultural lands
8-10.29 Exemption—Kuleana land
8-10.30 Exemption—For-profit group child care centers
8-10.31 Exemption—Central Kakaako industrial zone limited development
8-10.32 Claim for exemption—Central Kakaako industrial zone limited development
8-10.33 Exemption—Qualifying affordable rental dwelling units or affordable rental housing units
8-10.34 Exemption—During construction work for and marketing of affordable dwelling units or affordable rental housing projects
(a) None of the exemptions from taxation granted in §§ 8-10.3, 8-10.5 through 8-10.9, 8-10.21, 8-10.24, 8-10.26, 8-10.29, and 8-10.30 will be allowed in any case, unless the claimant has filed with the department of budget and fiscal services on or before September 30 preceding the tax year for which the exemption is claimed, a claim for exemption in a form as prescribed by the department.
(b) A claim for exemption, once allowed, shall have continuing effect until:
(1) The exemption is disallowed;
(2) The assessor voids the claim after first giving notice (either to the claimant or to all claimants in the manner provided for by this chapter) that the claim or claims on file will be voided on a certain date, not less than 30 days after such notice;
(3) The five-year period for exemption, as allowed in § 8-10.3(e) expires; or
(4) The report required by subsection (d) is made.
(c) A claimant may file a claim for exemption even though there is on file and in effect a claim covering the same premises, or a claim previously filed and disallowed or otherwise voided. However, no such claim shall be filed if it is identical with one already on file and having continuing effect. The report required by subsection (d) may be accompanied by or combined with a new claim.
(d) The owner of any property that has been allowed an exemption under §§ 8-10.3, 8-10.5 through 8-10.9, 8-10.21, 8-10.24, 8-10.26, 8-10.29, or 8-10.30 has a duty to report to the assessor within 30 days after such owner or property ceases to qualify for such an exemption for, among others, the following reasons:
(1) The ownership of the property has changed;
(2) A change in the facts previously reported has occurred concerning the occupation, use or renting of the premises, buildings or other improvements thereon; or
(3) A change in status has occurred that affects the owner’s exemption.
Such report shall have the effect of voiding the claim for exemption previously filed, as provided in subsection (b)(4). The report shall be sufficient if it identifies the property involved, states the change in facts or status, and requests that the claim for exemption previously filed be voided.
In the event the property comes into the hands of a fiduciary who is answerable as provided for by this chapter, the fiduciary shall make the report required by this subsection within 30 days after the assumption of the fiduciary’s duties or within the time otherwise required, whichever is later.
A penalty shall be imposed if the change in facts occurred in the 12 months ending September 30 preceding the tax year for which an exemption is to take effect and the report required by this subsection is not filed by the immediately following November 1. The amount of the penalty shall be $300 imposed on the November 2 preceding the tax year for which the owner or the property no longer qualifies for the exemption and on November 2 for each year thereafter that the change in facts remains unreported. In addition to this penalty, the taxes due on the property plus any additional penalties and interest thereon shall be a paramount lien on the property as provided for by this chapter.
(e) If the assessor is of the view that, for any tax year, the exemption may not be allowed, in whole or in part, the assessor may at any time within five years of October 1 of that year disallow the exemption for that year, in whole or in part, and may add to the assessment list for that year the amount of value involved, in the manner provided for by this chapter for the assessment of omitted property.
(Sec. 8-10.1, R.O. 1978 (1987 Supp. to 1983 Ed.)) (1990 Code, Ch. 8, Art. 10, § 8-10.1) (Am. Ords. 88-1, 89-129, 95-67, 96-15, 01-60, 03-05, 06-04, 07-7, 09-24, 09-32, 12-29; 20-37)
(a) For real property owned and occupied as the owner’s principal home as of the date of assessment by an individual or individuals, $120,000 of the total assessed value is exempt from property taxes, subject to the following:
(1) For real property where the value of the property is not in excess of the exemption amount established pursuant to this subsection, the real property is totally exempt;
(2) For all other real property, the exemption is the amount established pursuant to this subsection; provided that:
(A) No such exemption will be allowed to any corporation, copartnership, or company;
(B) The exemption under this section will not be allowed on more than one home for any one taxpayer;
(C) Where the taxpayer has acquired the taxpayer’s home by a deed made on or after July 1, 1951, the deed is recorded on or before September 30 immediately preceding the year for which the exemption is claimed;
(D) Spouses will not be permitted exemption of separate homes owned by each of them, unless they are living separate and apart, in which case each is entitled to one-half of one exemption;
(E) A person living on premises, a portion of which is used for commercial purposes, is not entitled to an exemption with respect to such portion, but is entitled to an exemption with respect to the portion thereof used exclusively as a home;
(F) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, real property will continue to be entitled to the exemption contained in this section in the event the owner of the real property moves from the home on which the exemption is granted to a long-term care facility or an adult residential care home licensed to operate in the State; provided that:
(i) The taxpayer designates the adult residential care home or long-term care facility on the form necessary to administer this subsection;
(ii) The home the taxpayer moves from is not rented, leased, or sold during the time the taxpayer is in the long-term care facility or the adult residential care home; and
(iii) Continuation of the home exemption entitles the taxpayer to the benefits of this section in effect during the applicable time period;
(G) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, in the event the owner of real property vacates the home for which an exemption is granted and moves to a temporary residence within the city during the renovation of the home, the real property will continue to be entitled to the exemption contained in this section; provided that:
(i) The taxpayer submits to the director a change in status report regarding vacating the home during renovations which identifies:
(aa) The building permit number issued by the city department of planning and permitting;
(bb) The renovation start date as indicated on the building permit; and
(cc) A verifiable address within the city where the taxpayer will reside during the renovation period and where the assessment notices will be mailed;
(ii) The renovation period will commence on the renovation start date and must not exceed two years. The taxpayer may reoccupy the home before the expiration of two years. Prior to the reoccupation of the home, the taxpayer must submit to the director a change in status report regarding reoccupation of the home along with a dated certificate of occupancy, notice of completion, or close permit indicating the date the renovations have been completed;
(iii) Upon receipt by the director of the change in status report regarding reoccupation of the home and a dated certificate of occupancy, notice of completion, or close permit, assessment notices will be mailed to the reoccupied home and the owner may sell the home without penalty;
(iv) The home must not be rented, leased, or sold during the renovation period; and
(v) Continuation of the home exemption entitles the taxpayer to the benefits of this section in effect during the applicable time period;
(H) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, in the event the owner of the real property vacates the home for which the exemption is granted and moves to a temporary residence outside the city during a sabbatical or temporary work assignment, the real property will continue to be entitled to the exemption contained in this section; provided that:
(i) The taxpayer submits to the director a change in status report that provides verification of the sabbatical or temporary work assignment and documentation from the taxpayer’s employer that specifies the start and completion dates of the sabbatical or temporary work assignment;
(ii) Within the report, the taxpayer provides a verifiable address of the temporary residence and certification of intent to reoccupy the home on which the exemption is granted after the sabbatical or temporary work assignment concludes;
(iii) The home the taxpayer moves from is not rented, leased, or sold during the time the taxpayer resides in the designated temporary residence;
(iv) The taxpayer reoccupies the home on which the exemption is granted within 24 months after the sabbatical or temporary work assignment begins, however, prior to reoccupation of the home, the taxpayer must submit to the director a change in status report with the actual date the home will be reoccupied; and
(v) Continuation of the home exemption entitles the taxpayer to the benefits of this section in effect during the applicable time period; and
(I) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, in the event the owner of real property vacates the home for which an exemption is granted and moves to a temporary residence within the city as a result of the home being damaged or destroyed by fire, the real property will continue to be entitled to the exemption contained in this section; provided that:
(i) The damage or destruction of the home is not the result of the taxpayer or any person residing in the home intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly setting fire to the home;
(ii) The taxpayer submits to the director a change in status report that provides the date the fire occurred and evidence that the fire caused the home to be uninhabitable;
(iii) The taxpayer intends to remain in the city and within the report provides a verifiable address of temporary residence and certification of intent to reoccupy the home on which the exemption is granted after the home is repaired or replaced;
(iv) The home the taxpayer moves from is not rented, leased, or sold during the time the taxpayer resides in the designated temporary residence;
(v) The taxpayer reoccupies the home on which the exemption is granted within 24 months after the date of the fire; however, prior to reoccupation of the home, the taxpayer must submit to the director a change in status report with the actual date the home will be reoccupied; and
(vi) Continuation of the home exemption entitles the taxpayer to the benefits of this section in effect during the applicable time period.
Failure to comply with any of the requirements in paragraphs (F), (G), (H), and (I) will result in the disallowance of the home exemption and will subject the taxpayer to rollback taxes, interest, and penalties as set forth in §§ 8-10.1(d) and (e) for the period of time the home exemption is continued.
For the purposes of this section, “real property owned and occupied as the owner’s principal home” means occupancy of a home in the city and may be evidenced by but not limited to the following indicia: occupancy of a home in the city for more than 270 calendar days of a calendar year; registering to vote in the city; being stationed in the city under military orders of the United States; and filing of an income tax return as a resident of the State, with a reported address in the city. The director may demand documentation of the above or other indicia from a property owner applying for an exemption or from an owner as evidence of continued qualification for an exemption.
Failure to respond to the director’s request is grounds for denying a claim for an exemption or disallowing an existing exemption. The director may demand documentary evidence such as a tax clearance from the State indicating that the taxpayer filed an income tax return as a full-time resident for the year prior to the effective date of the exemption. Failure to respond to the director’s demand in 30 days is grounds for disallowance or denial of a claim for an exemption.
In the event the director receives satisfactory evidence that an individual occupies a home outside the city or there is documented evidence of the individual’s intent to reside outside the city, that individual will not be qualified for an exemption or continued exemption under this section, as the case may be.
Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, for real property held by a trustee or other fiduciary, the trustee or other fiduciary is entitled to the exemption where:
(1) The settlor of the trust occupies the property as the settlor’s principal home; or
(2) The settlor of the trust dies and a beneficiary entitled to live in the home under the terms of the trust document occupies the property as the beneficiary’s principal home.
For the purposes of this subsection, real property is “sold” when title to the real property is transferred to a new owner; and property is deemed “uninhabitable” if the property owner is unable to live in or on the property for health or safety reasons.
The director may adopt rules and shall provide forms as may be necessary to administer this subsection.
(b) The use of a portion of any building or structure for the purpose of drying coffee and the use of a portion of real property, including structures, in connection with the planting and growing for commercial purposes, or the packing and processing for such purposes, of flowers, plants, or foliage, will not affect the exemptions provided for by this section.
(c) Where two or more individuals jointly, by the entirety, or in common own or lease land on which their homes are located, each home, if otherwise qualified for the exemption granted by this section, will receive the exemption. If a portion of land held jointly, by the entirety, or in common by two or more individuals is not qualified to receive an exemption, such disqualification will not affect the eligibility for an exemption or exemptions of the remaining portion.
(d) A taxpayer who is 65 years of age or over on or before June 30 preceding the tax year for which the exemption is claimed and who qualifies for a home exemption under subsection (a) is entitled to a home exemption of $160,000 from the total assessed valuation of the real property.
For the purposes of this subsection, spouses who own property jointly, by the entirety, or in common, on which a home exemption under subsection (a) has been granted, are entitled to the $160,000 home exemption under this subsection when at least one of the spouses qualifies for the exemption.
(e)* (1) In lieu of the home exemption amount provided in subsection (d), a low-income taxpayer who:
(A) Is 75 years of age or over on or before June 30 preceding the tax year for which the exemption is claimed;
(B) Qualifies for a home exemption under subsection (a);
(C) Applies for the exemption as required in subdivision (2); and
(D) Has household income that meets the definition of “low-income” in § 8-10.17(a),
is entitled to one of the following home exemption amounts for that tax year:
Age of Taxpayer | Home Exemption Amount |
75 years of age or over but not 80 years of age or over |
80 years of age or over but not 85 years of age or over | $160,000 |
85 years of age or over but not 90 years of age or over | $180,000 |
90 years of age or over | $200,000 |
(2) The claim for exemption, allowed at the applicant’s attainment of 75, 80, or 85 years, continues for a maximum period of five years, after which period of time the home exemption amount reverts to the amount provided in subsection (d), except the claim for exemption at 90 years of age extends for the life of the applicant or until June 30, 2039. The director may not accept claims for exemption under this subsection after September 30, 2013.
(3) For the purposes of this subsection, spouses who own property jointly, by the entirety, or in common, on which a home exemption under subsection (a) has been granted and qualify under this subsection are entitled to the applicable home exemption under this subsection when at least one of the spouses qualifies each year for the minimum age of the applicable home exemption.
(f) To qualify for the exemptions under subsections (d) and (e), a taxpayer must provide, upon request, a photocopy of or submit for inspection, a current, valid government-issued identification containing the taxpayer’s photo and date of birth, such as a State driver’s license, a State identification card, or a passport.
(Sec. 8-10.4, R.O. 1978 (1983 Ed.)) (1990 Code, Ch. 8, Art. 10, § 8-10.4) (Am. Ords. 88-84, 89-132, 94-76, 96-15, 04-31, 05-004, 06-04, 06-07, 09-32, 13-32, 15-33, 15-51, 16-3, 19-7, 23-23)
Editor’s note:
* Section 8-10.3(e) shall be repealed on June 30, 2039 pursuant to Ord. 13-32, § 3.
(a) For the purposes of § 8-10.3, the word “home” includes:
(1) The entire homestead when it is occupied by the taxpayer as such;
(2) A residential building on land held by the lessee or the lessee’s successor in interest under a lease for a term of five years or more for residential purposes and owned and used as a residence by the lessee or the lessee’s successor in interest, where the lease and any extension, renewal, assignment, or agreement to assign the lease, have been duly entered into and recorded before October 1 preceding the tax year for which the exemption is claimed, and whereby the lessee agrees to pay all taxes during the term of the lease;
(3) A condominium unit, with its appertaining common interest, that is occupied as a residence by the owner of the unit. The “owner of a condominium unit” means the individual:
(A) Owning the fee simple interest in the unit and its appertaining common interest; or
(B) Holding the leasehold interest in the unit and its appertaining common interest under a lease:
(i) For a term of five years or more for residential purposes;
(ii) Duly entered into and recorded before October 1 preceding the tax year for which the exemption is claimed; and
(iii) Requiring the holder of the leasehold interest to pay all real property taxes during the term of the lease;
(4) An apartment that is a living unit (held under a proprietary lease by the tenant thereof) in a multiunit residential building on land held by a cooperative apartment corporation (of which the proprietary lessee of such living unit is a stockholder) under a lease for a term of five years or more for residential purposes and which apartment is used as a residence by the lessee-stockholder, where the lease and any extension or renewal have been duly entered into and recorded before October 1 preceding the tax year for which the exemption is claimed, and whereby the lessee-stockholder agrees to pay all taxes during the term of the lease; provided that:
(A) The exemption is not allowed in respect to any cooperative apartment unit where the owner of the cooperative apartment unit claims exemption on a home or other cooperative apartment unit; and
(B) The owner or owners of a cooperative apartment building or premises may not be permitted exemptions where spouses who own a cooperative apartment unit own separate cooperative apartment units or separate homes owned by each spouse unless the spouses are living separate and apart, in which case the owner of the cooperative apartment or premises shall be entitled to one-half of one exemption;
(5) An apartment in a multiunit apartment building that is occupied by the owner of the entire apartment building as the person’s residence; provided that:
(A) The exemption is not allowed in respect to any apartment owner who claims any other home exemption; and
(B) A spouse owner of the aforementioned type of apartment may not be allowed a full exemption where the spouses are living separate and apart and each spouse maintains an apartment or home entitled to an exemption, in which case each spouse shall be entitled to one-half of one exemption;
(6) That portion of a residential duplex and that portion of land appurtenant to the duplex that are occupied by the owner of the duplex and land as the owner’s residence; provided that:
(A) The exemption is not allowed in respect to any duplex owner who claims any other home exemption;
(B) The portion of the appurtenant land is not exempt unless owned in fee by the duplex owner; and
(C) A spouse owner of the duplex may not be allowed a full exemption where the spouses are living separate and apart and each spouse maintains a duplex or home entitled to an exemption, in which case each spouse shall be entitled to one-half of one exemption;
(7) Premises held under an agreement to purchase the same for a home, where the agreement has been duly entered into and recorded before October 1 preceding the tax year for which the exemption is claimed, whereby the purchaser agrees to pay all taxes while purchasing the premises;
(8) An apartment that is a living unit (held under a lease by the tenant thereof) in a multiunit residential building used for retirement purposes under a lease for a term to last during the lifetime of the lessee and the lessee’s surviving spouse and which apartment is used as a residence by the lessee and the lessee’s surviving spouse, and where the apartment unit reverts back to the lessor upon the death of the lessee and the lessee’s surviving spouse, and where the lease has been duly entered into and recorded before October 1 preceding the tax year for which the exemption is claimed, and whereby the lessee agrees to pay all taxes during the term of the lease; and
(9) That portion of a property that is occupied as the property owner’s principal home.
(b) The subletting by the taxpayer of not more than two rooms to a tenant will not affect the exemption provided for by § 8-10.3.
(Sec. 8-10.5, R.O. 1978 (1983 Ed.)) (1990 Code, Ch. 8, Art. 10, § 8-10.5) (Am. Ords. 92-63, 96-15, 09-32, 19-18, 23-23)
(a) Real property:
(1) Owned and occupied as a home by any person who is totally disabled due to injuries received while on duty with the armed forces of the United States;
(2) Owned by any such person together with such person’s spouse and occupied by either or both spouses as a home; or
(3) Owned and occupied by a widow or widower of such totally disabled veteran who shall remain unmarried and who shall continue to own and occupy the premises as a home;
is exempt from all property taxes, other than special assessments, subject to subsection (b).
(b) The exemption provided for in subsection (a) is subject to the following:
(1) The total disability of the veteran was incurred while on duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States;
(2) The home exemption is granted only as long as the veteran claiming exemption remains totally disabled, and the director may require proof of total disability;
(3) The exemption may not be allowed on more than one house for any one person;
(4) A person living on premises, a portion of which is used for commercial purposes, is not entitled to an exemption with respect to such portion, but is entitled to an exemption with respect to the portion used exclusively as a home; provided that the exemption does not apply to any structure, including the land thereunder, which is used for commercial purposes; and
(5) A widow or widower of a disabled veteran may apply for an exemption and the exemption may be granted even if the disabled veteran did not apply for and obtain the exemption provided for in subsection (a) during the veteran’s lifetime, provided that the widow or widower submits proof satisfactory to the director that, at the time of the veteran’s death, the veteran would have qualified for the exemption.
(c) The exemption will take effect beginning with the next tax payment date, provided that the claimant has filed with the department a claim for a disability exemption along with a copy of a certificate of disability issued by a licensed physician on such form as the department prescribes.
(d) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, real property will continue to be entitled to the exemption provided for in subsection (a) in the event the owner of the real property moves from the home on which the exemption is granted, to a long-term care facility or an adult residential care home licensed to operate in the State of Hawaii, provided that:
(1) The owner designates the adult residential care home or long-term care facility on a form as prescribed by the department; and
(2) Neither the home the owner moves from, nor any portion thereof, is rented, leased, or sold during the time the owner is in the long-term care facility or the adult residential care home.
(e) For the purposes of this section, the word "home" includes:
(1) The entire homestead, when it is occupied as a residence by a qualified totally disabled veteran or the veteran's qualifying widow or widower;
(2) Except for houses that are part of real property qualifying for the exemption pursuant to subsection (d), houses where the occupant disabled veteran owner or the qualifying widow or widower owner lets or sublets not more than one room to a tenant; and
(3) Premises held under an agreement by which the disabled veteran agrees to purchase the same for a residence, where the agreement has been duly entered into and recorded prior to October 1st preceding the tax year for which the exemption is claimed, whereby the purchaser agrees to pay all taxes while purchasing the premises.
(Sec. 8-10.6, R.O. 1978 (1983 Ed.)) (1990 Code, Ch. 8, Art. 10, § 8-10.6) (Am. Ords. 96-15, 00-63; 20-37)
Any person who has been declared by authority of law to be a person affected with leprosy in the communicable stage and is admitted to a hospital for isolation treatment shall, so long as such person is so hospitalized, and thereafter for so long as such person has been so declared to be therefrom temporarily released, and so long as such person remains or continues under temporary release, be exempted from real property taxes on all real property owned by such person on the date when such person was declared to be a person so affected with leprosy, up to, but not exceeding, a taxable value of $25,000.
(Sec. 8-10.7, R.O. 1978 (1983 Ed.)) (1990 Code, Ch. 8, Art. 10, § 8-10.7)