1. Addition of Unpaid Civil Fines to Taxes, Fees, or Charges Collected by the City
2. Payrolls Clearance Fund
3. Highway Fund
4. Treasury Trust Fund
5. General Trust Fund
6. Improvement District Bond and Interest Redemption Fund
7. Housing and Community Development Revolving Fund
8. General Obligation Bond and Interest Redemption Fund
9. Community Renewal Program Fund
10. Service Fees for Disposition of Real Property
11. Fee Schedule for Public Records
12. Overtime Inspection Fees
13. Federal Grants Fund
14. Special Projects Fund
15. Furnishing of Electronic Data Processing Services
16. General Improvement Bond Fund
17. Highway Improvement Bond Fund
18. Transportation Fund
19. Federal Revenue Sharing Fund
20. Highway Beautification and Disposal of Abandoned Vehicles Revolving Fund
21. Bikeway Fund
22. Community Development Fund
23. Housing and Community Development Section 8 Contract Fund
24. Honolulu Zoo Fund
25. Parks and Playgrounds Fund
26. Housing and Community Development Rehabilitation Loan Fund
27. State Special Use Permit
28. The Waipio Peninsula Soccer Park Fund
29. Standards for the Appropriation of Funds to Private Organizations
30. Liquor Commission Fund
31. The Patsy T. Mink Central Oahu Regional Park Fund
32. Establishing Maximum Interest Rate for Urban Renewal Project Notes
33. Establishing Maximum Interest for General Obligation Bonds
34. Housing Loan and Mortgage Programs
35. Hotel and Boardinghouse Annual License Fee
36. Capital Projects Fund
37. Federal Grants Capital Projects Fund
38. Leisure Services Incentive Fund
39. Landscaping and Beautification
40. Application Fees for General Plan and Development Plan Amendments
41. Fee Schedule for Land Use Ordinance—Applications and Variances
42. Deferred Compensation Fund
43. Charges by Municipal Reference and Records Center for Computer Online Service
44. Fees and Charges for Services of the Honolulu Police Department
45. Rental Assistance Fund
46. Housing Development Special Fund
47. Wastewater System Facility Charge
48. Solid Waste Improvement Bond Fund
49. Solid Waste Special Fund
50. Reserved
51. Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve Fund
52. Grants in Aid Fund
53. Special Events Fund
54. Sewer Revenue Bond Improvement Fund
55. Transit Construction Mitigation Fund
56. Reserve for Fiscal Stability Fund
57. Golf Fund
58. Contributions to the County
59. Land Conservation Fund
60. Transportation Surcharge—Use of Funds
61. Transit Fund
62. Clean Water and Natural Lands Fund
63. Affordable Housing Fund
64. Reserved
65. Transit Improvement Bond Fund
66. Waiver of Certain City Fees for Centenarian Residents