Editor’s note:
* The Waikiki special improvement district No. 1, also known as the City and County of Honolulu business improvement district No. 1 (Waikiki), was established by Ord. 00-40. Section 3 of Ord. 00-40 and § 9(c) of Exhibit A of that ordinance were amended by Ord. 01-22.
The Fort Street Mall special improvement district No. 2 was established by Ord. 02-48.
Ord. 07-44 amended the Fort Street Mall special improvement district plan, designated as Exhibit A in Ord. 02-48, by revising the boundaries.
The Waikiki Beach special improvement district No. 3 was established by Ord. 15-11.
The Waikiki Transportation Management special improvement district No. 4 was established by Ord. 17-58.
1. General Provisions
2. Proceedings
3. Special Assessment
4. Changes in Authorized Supplemental Services, Improvements, and Special Assessment
5. Annexation of Territory
6. Termination of District
7. Bonds
Appendix 28-A: Specific Special Improvement District Ordinances