(a) Findings. The council finds that there are buildings, structures, properties, and portions thereof within the city that are used or designed or intended to be used for human habitation that are unfit for such habitation due to dilapidation; disrepair; structural defects; defects increasing the hazards of fire, accidents, or other calamities; lack of adequate ventilation, light or sanitary facilities; uncleanliness; overcrowding; inadequate ingress and egress; inadequate drainage; violations of the health and fire regulations; and violations of other laws, regulations, and ordinances relating to the use of land and the use and occupancy of buildings and improvements. The council further finds that such unsafe and unsanitary conditions affect their surrounding areas and threaten the health, safety, and welfare of the public by creating unsafe living conditions; fire hazards; breeding grounds for insects, rodents, and vermin; and public nuisances.
(b) Declaration of intent. In view of the foregoing findings, the council declares that:
(1) The purpose of this code is to provide minimum standards regarding the use, occupancy, location, and maintenance of all buildings and properties that are used or intended to be used for human habitation, and properties and structures that may affect the use of buildings or properties for human habitation within the city; and
(2) All property owners and persons in possession of real property shall keep their property free from unsafe or unsanitary conditions that harm or threaten to harm the lawful use of property for human habitation or that may prevent, impair, or otherwise unreasonably interfere with the quiet enjoyment of residential property within the city.
(Sec. 25-1.1, R.O. 1978 (1983 Ed.)) (1990 Code, Ch. 27, Art. 1, § 27-1.1) (Am. Ords. 97-50, 14-36)
(a) Application.
(1) This code applies in the City and County of Honolulu to any building, as defined in this code, and to any parcel of real property located within 30 feet of any building governed by this code.
(2) Where any building is used or intended to be used as a combination apartment house-hotel, the provisions of this code relative to each part of such combination applies to such part as if it were a separate building.
(3) Every rooming house, congregate residence, or lodging house must comply with all the requirements of this code for dwellings.
(b) Alteration. When alterations, additions, or repairs are made to an existing building, such alterations, additions, or repairs must conform to this code.
(c) Relocation. Buildings or structures moved into or within the city must comply with the requirements in the building code for new buildings and structures.
(Sec. 25-1.3, R.O. 1978 (1983 Ed.)) (1990 Code, Ch. 27, Art. 1, § 27-1.3) (Am. Ords. 97-50, 14-36)