Building permit fees shall be established by resolution of the City Commission.
(Ord. O-85-45, passed 9-30-85; Am. Ord. O-89-36, passed 6-7-89; Am. Ord. O-88-30, passed 6-8-88; Am. Ord. O-90-41, passed 9-26-90; Am. Ord. O-94-56, passed 10-19-94; Am. Ord. O-95-36, passed 7-19-95)
(A) Any person, firm, corporation or other entity desiring to construct a temporary model building for sales and advertising purposes shall be required to make written application to the City Commission for approval thereof.
(B) If the temporary model is approved by the Department of Planning and Development Services, the Building Official shall charge a permit fee therefor as established by resolution by the City Commission. Such temporary sales model shall be removed at the owner’s sole expense prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy.
(C) Each application for six-month renewal of the temporary model permit must be filed and approved by the Commission prior to its expiration date.
(D) Each application to the Commission for a six-month renewal of a temporary model permit filed after one year from the date of the initial permit shall be accompanied by payment of a fee established by resolution of the City Commission.
(‘72 Code, § 10.118) (Ord. O-85-45, passed 9-30-85; Am. Ord. O-95-36, passed 7-19-95; Am. Ord. O-2011-15, passed 5-4-11)
(A) Any person, firm, corporation or other entity who has obtained a building permit and paid the required building permit fees in connection with obtaining said permit under this subchapter may apply for and request a refund of said fees only if all of the following conditions are met:
(1) The building permit to which the refund request relates was received by the applicant within the six months immediately preceding the date of application for the refund;
(2) The project or work for which the building permit was issued has not commenced; and
(3) Application for refund is made in writing on forms supplied by the City's Development Administration Department and accompanied by the building permit, as well as the job card, related to the refund being requested;
(4) The person, firm, corporation or other entity applying for the refund is the same person, firm, corporation or other entity, as the case may be, who applied for the building permit for which the refund is being requested; and
(5) The person, firm, corporation or other entity applying for the refund has not been cited for doing any work without a building permit within the city within the past 12 months immediately preceding the date of application for the refund.
(B) Upon receipt of a completed application for a refund of building permit fees, the Director of the Department of Planning and Development Services, or his or her designee, shall review said application and take the necessary steps to ensure that all of the conditions set forth in division (A) herein, have been satisfied with respect to such application.
(C) After making a determination that all of the conditions set forth in division (A) herein have been satisfied as to a particular application, the Director of the Department of Planning and Development Services, or his or her designee, shall approve the applicant’s request for a refund of the building permit fee; provided that the amount of the refund shall be limited to the amount of the building permit fee which was previously paid by the applicant for said building permit, less a refund processing fee established by resolution of the City Commission.
(‘72 Code, § 10.119) (Ord. O-88-81, passed 11-16-88; Am. Ord. O-95-36, passed 7-19-95; Am. Ord. O-2011-15, passed 5-4-11)
(A) Any person or other entity who owns and resides in either a single-family residence or duplex and who has applied for a building permit under this subchapter in connection with a project to improve or expand said single-family residence or duplex may apply for and request a waiver of the applicable building permit fees in accordance with the schedule of permit fee waivers set forth in division (C) herein; provided that said waiver shall be granted only if all of the following conditions are met:
(1) The building permit application to which the waiver request relates was filed by the applicant with the city’s Department of Planning and Development Services by no later than December 31, 1990;
(2) The project or work for which the building permit and the fee waiver is being requested is in connection with an improvement project or expansion project to an already existing single-family residence or duplex; provided however, that no fee waiver or fee rebate shall be granted for swimming pool, hot tub or spa projects, or projects related solely to maintenance;
(3) The application for fee waiver is made in writing on forms supplied by the city’s Department of Planning and Development Services and accompanied by a copy of the building permit or building permit application, related to the fee waiver being requested;
(4) The person or other entity applying for the fee waiver is the same person or other entity, as the case may be, who applied for the building permit to which the fee waiver being requested is related; and
(5) The person or other entity applying for the fee waiver has not commenced any work without first obtaining a building permit within the city within the past 12 months immediately preceding the date of application for the fee waiver.
(B) Upon receipt of a completed application for a waiver of building permit fees, the Director of Planning and Development Services, or his or her designee, shall review said application and take the necessary steps to ensure that all of the conditions set forth in division (A) herein have been satisfied with respect to such application.
(C) After making a determination that all of the conditions set forth in division (A) herein, have been satisfied as to a particular fee waiver application, the Director of Planning and Development Services, or his or her designee, shall approve the applicant’s request for a fee waiver of the building permit fee; provided that the amount of the fee waiver shall be determined as follows:
Age of Single-Family Percentage of
Residence or Duplex Permit Fee Waived
0 up to 5 years old 10
5 up to 10 years old 20
10 up to 15 years old 35
over 15 years old 50
(D) Any person or other entity who meets all of the criteria of division (A) herein, shall receive a rebate of those building permit fees paid (including, for purposes of this division only, all permit fees paid for engineering, mechanical, electrical, gas and plumbing permits, if any) which have not previously been waived under division (C) herein, in accordance with the following formula; provided that said rebates shall not be granted until such time as the applicant obtains a final certificate of occupancy for the improvement or expansion project to which the rebate request relates:
Estimated Increase in Building Permit Fee Rebate
Assessed Value from (expressed as a percentage
Improvements or of the permit fee not waived
Expansion Project in division (C) above)
Estimated increase in assessed
value increases from 10% to
under 25% of the previous
assessed value of the single-
family residence or duplex 33%
Estimated increase in assessed value
increases from 25% to under 50% of
the previous assessed value of the
single-family residence or duplex 66%
Estimated increase in assessed value
increases 50% or more of the previous
assessed value of the single-family
residence or duplex 100%
(E) The City Manager is hereby authorized to implement such procedural steps and administrative guidelines as he or she deems necessary in order to effectuate and expedite the processing of building permit applications and requests for fee waivers and rebates under this section.
(‘72 Code, § 10.120) (Ord. O-88-83, passed 12-14-88; Am. Ord. O-90-2, passed 1-17-90; Am. Ord. O-2011-15, passed 5-4-11)
For purposes of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ASHRAE. The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
COMMERCIAL. Relating to multifamily residential buildings exceeding 20,000 square feet of gross aggregate floor area and all other buildings not described in the definition of RESIDENTIAL.
ENERGY STAR. Energy Star rating system (use latest edition of rating system at time of submittal of permit application to the Building Division)
FGBC. Florida Green Building Coalition (use latest edition of rating system in effect at time of submittal of permit application to the Building Division).
LARGE DEVELOPMENT. New construction of, and a major renovation to, a stand-alone building (other than a single-family detached dwelling or duplex) with more than 20,000 square feet of total floor area.
LEED. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design by the USGBC. (use latest edition of LEED rating system in effect at time of submittal of permit application to the Building Division)
MAJOR RENOVATION. Repairs and/or alterations made within any 12-month period to areas exceeding 50% of the gross aggregate floor area of a building.
MERV. Minimum efficiency reporting value.
RESIDENTIAL. Relating to single-family residences, townhouses, duplexes, and multifamily buildings not exceeding 20,000 square feet of gross aggregate floor area.
USGBC. U.S. Green Building Council.
(Ord. O-2011-06, passed 2-16-11; Am. Ord. O-2015-06, passed 5-6-15)
Green building construction, see § 151.010
The following residential green building practices are approved:
(1) Sanitation system for pools that reduces chlorine usage. To claim this item, a system that eliminates the use of liquid chlorine by recycling a salt alternative, or a system that reduces the amount of liquid chlorine required by using ionization technology must be used. An ultra violet and ozone system that sterilizes the water without the use of chemicals is also acceptable. Systems must be shown on plans and verified by plumbing inspector on site at final inspection.
(2) No garbage disposal. No disposal should be shown on plans, and no disposal should be present at time of final building inspection.
(3) All Energy Star appliances. All permanent appliances in the residence that can be Energy Star rated must be so rated to claim this item. (This includes refrigerator, stove, washing machine, dryer, etc. Items not covered are countertop appliances such as toasters, mixers etc.) Energy Star appliances must be verified by building inspector on site at final inspection.
(4) No shower with more than one shower head, and all low flow shower heads. Low flow shower heads are rated at a maximum flow of 2.5 gallons per minute at 80 psi water pressure. One shower head per shower and low flow shower heads must be shown on plumbing plans and verified by plumbing inspector on site at final inspection.
(5) Central vacuum system (CVS). CVS canister shall be located in non air-conditioned space and shown on plans accordingly. CVS system must be verified by building inspector on site at final inspection.
(6) Washer and dryer outside of air-conditioned space. Washer and dryer outside of air-conditioned space must be shown on plans and verified by building inspector on site at final inspection.
(7) Energy Star qualified homes. Owner shall submit proof of application and the retainer retention of an energy star rater. A copy of the Energy Star home certificate shall be given to Building Division upon receipt prior to final certificate of occupancy.
(8) Recycling. A dedicated storage area for a garbage bin and a recycle bin, sized to fit both, must be shown on the plans. Dedicated storage area shall be verified by plans examiner. Plans for kitchen must include pull-out recycle and garbage bins built into cabinets. Pull-out bins built into cabinets shall be verified by plans examiner at permit review and by building inspector at final inspection.
(Ord. O-2011-06, passed 2-16-11)