(A)   (1)   It shall be unlawful to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, remove or demolish any building, structure or any part thereof; or any equipment, device or facility therein or thereon, or to change the occupancy of a building from one use group (as defined by the Florida Building Code, in effect in Broward County, Florida, as revised from time to time) to another requiring greater strength, means of egress, fire and sanitary provisions; or to change to an unauthorized or prohibited use; or to install or alter any equipment for which provision is made or the installation of which is regulated by the Florida Building Code in effect in Broward County, Florida, as revised from time to time, or city ordinance; or burn in any open space any debris, refuse, trash, land clearings, stumps, logs, bushes, tree clippings, brush or any similar item of any type, without first having filed an application and obtained a permit therefor from the city.
      (2)   A permit will be required for all operations outlined in Section 104 of the Florida Building Code in effect in Broward County, Florida, as revised from time to time, and for any other operation which the building official determines a permit is necessary. A separate permit will be required for each dwelling unit in a townhouse, patio home, garden villa or other similar development.
      (3)   The building official shall not issue a permit for any property in the city to an owner or contractor who has allowed a permit to expire, performed work for which a permit is required without first obtaining a permit, or otherwise violated the Florida Building Code in effect in Broward County, Florida, as revised from time to time, until the violation or other problem has been resolved.
      (4)   A certificate of occupancy or certificate of completion will be required in accordance with Section 106 of the Florida Building Code in effect in Broward County, Florida, as revised from time to time. However, the building official shall not be required to issue a certificate of occupancy or a certificate of completion sooner than 48 hours after submittal of a written application therefor on a form designated by the building official.
   (B)   No permit will be required for general maintenance or repairs which do not result in a change in occupancy as defined by the Florida Building Code in effect in Broward County, Florida, as revised from time to time, and the value of the complete job is less than $800 in labor and materials, as indicated by the latest edition of “Cost Data,” as published by R.S. Means Company, Inc., in accordance with § 151.135(C).
‘(‘72 Code, § 10-112(1), (6)) (Ord. O-85-45, passed 9-30-85; Am. Ord. O-88-30, passed 6-8-88; Am. Ord. O-89-36, passed 6-7-89; Am. Ord. O-95-36, passed 7-19-95; Am. Ord. O-2005-02, passed 3-2-05) Penalty, see § 151.999