The sheriff's department shall immediately impound in a proper place of storage all vehicles found within the city that are improperly registered, stolen, or bear defaced motor numbers and shall, within ninety six (96) hours thereafter, notify in writing the motor vehicle division of the state tax commission of such impounding, setting forth the date found, the address where found, the make, registration number and date and place where stored. (1999 Code)
A. Specified: In addition to vehicles parked in violation of any ordinance of the city or the laws of the state, the following are declared to be nuisances:
1. Any unattended vehicle stopped, standing or parked in violation of any of the provisions of this title;
2. Any vehicle found upon the streets or alleys of this city with faulty or defective equipment;
3. Any vehicle left unattended upon any bridge, viaduct, or at any subway where such vehicle constitutes an obstruction to traffic;
4. Any vehicle upon a street so disabled as to constitute an obstruction to traffic, when the persons in charge of the vehicle are, by reason of physical injury, incapacitated to such an extent as to be unable to provide for its custody or removal;
5. Any vehicle left unattended upon a street or alley and parked illegally so as to constitute a definite hazard or obstruction to the normal movement of traffic;
6. Any vehicle left parked in the same place on any street or alley continuously for twenty four (24) hours;
7. Any vehicle wherein the driver has been taken into custody by the sheriff's department under circumstances so as to leave such vehicle unattended in a street, alley or restricted parking area;
8. Any vehicle being driven on the streets which is not in a proper condition to be driven; or
9. Any vehicle found so parked as to constitute a fire hazard or an obstruction to firefighting apparatus.
B. Abatement: Such nuisances may be summarily abated by removal by, under the direction of, or at the request of an officer of the sheriff's department, to a place of storage within the city, by means of towing or otherwise. (1999 Code)
A. Notice Required: As soon as is reasonable under the circumstances, a written notice that the vehicle has been impounded shall be mailed to the owner and recorded lienholder, if there is one, of the vehicle, at the last known address as shown on the records of the motor vehicle division of the state tax commission. If the license plates on the vehicle are from another state, written notice shall be mailed to the department of motor vehicles in that state, requesting such department to notify the registered owner of the vehicle that it has been impounded by the sheriff's department and that the vehicle will be sold at public auction as provided by this title, if not claimed by the owner or his proper representative.
B. Criminal Proceedings: The impounding of a vehicle shall not prevent or preclude the institution and prosecution of criminal proceedings in the state, county or municipal courts or elsewhere against the owner or operator of the impounded vehicle. (1999 Code)