A. Alteration Or Changing Speed Limits: The transportation engineer may alter or change the prima facie speed limits within the city set by Utah Code Annotated section 41-6-46 as follows:
1. The prima facie speed therein declared may be found greater than is reasonable or safe under the conditions found to exist at any intersection, and upon the erection of appropriate signs giving notice thereof, the speed limit may be changed to one deemed reasonable and safe.
2. Higher speeds than those therein authorized may be substituted upon through highways or portions thereof where there are no intersections or between widely spaced intersections, provided appropriate signs are erected giving notice of the authorized speed.
3. Determine that the prima facie speed permitting upon any highway outside a business or residential district is greater than is reasonable or safe under conditions found to exist and upon posting of appropriate signs and notices, declare a reasonable and safe limit which shall, in no event, be less than thirty five (35) miles per hour. Wherever the drop is ten (10) miles per hour, it must be preceded by a sign giving advance notice of such reduction.
B. Investigation Required: No changes shall be effective until the transportation engineer has made a full investigation of engineering and traffic conditions demanding such change. (1999 Code)
No person shall drive a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic, except when reduced speed is necessary for safe operation or because upon a grade or in compliance with law. The transportation engineer may determine on the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that slow speeds on any part of a road or highway of the city impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic and constitute a traffic hazard requiring the declaration of a minimum speed limit below which no person shall drive except when necessary for safe operation or in compliance with law. All such minimum speed limits shall be properly posted. (1999 Code)