Sales Tax
   35.001   Citation
   35.002   Definitions
   35.003   Tax imposed; rate; exemptions
   35.004   Effective date
   35.005   Purpose of revenues
   35.006   Classification of taxpayers
   35.007   Subsisting state permits
   35.008   Tax due date
   35.009   Payment of tax
   35.010   Tax constitutes prior claim
   35.011   Collection by vendor
   35.012   Returns and remittances; discounts
   35.013   Interest and penalties
   35.014   Erroneous payments; claims for refunds
   35.015   Fraudulent returns
   35.016   Records confidential
   35.017   Amendments
   35.018   Provisions cumulative
Use Tax
   35.030   Tax imposed
   35.031   Exemptions
Utility Tax
   35.045   Annual tax imposed
   35.046   Application of tax
   35.047   Term; payment; disposition of revenue
   35.048   Failure to pay; penalty
   35.049   Tax constitutes prior lien
Hotel Tax
   35.060   Citation and codification
   35.061   Subsisting state permits
   35.062   Effective date and termination
   35.063   Definitions
   35.064   Use of funds
   35.065   Tax levied
   35.066   Exemptions
   35.067   Proof of exemption required
   35.068   Tax to be designated
   35.069   Operator responsibility for collection
   35.070   Discount
   35.071   Records
   35.072   Returns
   35.073   Payment of tax
   35.074   Bond required
   35.075   Assessment and determination of tax
   35.076   Refunds
   35.077   Notices
   35.078   Remedies exclusive
   35.079   Treasurer; powers
   35.080   Registration certificates; certificates of authority
   35.081   Interest
   35.082   Records confidential
   35.083   Fraudulent returns
   35.084   Amendments
   35.085   Provisions cumulative
   35.086   Provisions severable
   35.087   Payment of legal fees