(A)   Every operator shall file with the Treasurer a registration certificate in a form prescribed by said Treasurer within ten days after the effective date of this subchapter or, in the case of operators commencing business or opening new hotels after such effective date, within three days after such commencement or opening.
   (B)   The Treasurer shall, within five days after the filing of such certificate, issue without charge to each operator a certificate of authority empowering such operator to collect the tax from the occupant and duplicates thereof for each additional hotel. Each certificate or duplicate shall state the hotel to which it is applicable. Such certificate of authority shall be permanently displayed by the operator in such manner that it may be seen and come to the notice of all occupants and persons seeking occupancy. Such certificates shall be nonassignable and non-transferable and shall be surrendered immediately to the Treasurer upon the cessation of business at the hotel, or upon its sale or transfer.
(Ord. 342, passed 8-9-2012)