High Density Residential District (R3)
1127.01   Purpose.
1127.02   Permitted uses.
1127.03   Conditional uses.
1127.04   Development standards.
1127.01 PURPOSE.
      The High Density Residential District (R3) is established as a high density, detached, single-family residential district served by public water and sanitary sewer.
(Ord. 19-20. Passed 11-4-20.)
      (a)    Single-family dwelling.
      (b)    Accessory structures to single family dwellings.
      (c)    Mobile Homes.
      (d)    Home occupations in accordance with Chapter 1151.
      (Ord. 19-20. Passed 11-4-20.)
      The following conditional uses are allowed in the High Density Residential District (R3), subject to approval in accordance with Chapter 1113:
      (a)    Churches and other places of worship.
      (b)    Parks, playgrounds, recreation and community center buildings and grounds, golf courses, tennis courts and similar recreational uses, provided that any principal building used therefore shall be located not less than one-hundred fifty (150) feet from the property line of all residentially zoned parcels.
      (c)    Public and private schools.
      (d)    In those areas of the Village which have a zoning classification of R3, the conversion of a single family dwelling into a duplex or triplex may be permitted only under the following conditions:
            (1)    The provisions of Chapter 1113 (Conditional Uses) are complied with.
            (2)    The conversion results in square footage of living area per unit as noted in Section 1131.04.
            (3)    Paved off-street parking is provided as set forth in Chapter 1149. Such off-street parking shall be located in the rear setback and screened completely from adjacent lots.
         (Ord. 19-20. Passed 11-4-20.)
      (a)    Lot and Building Requirements. The following lot and building requirements are minimum standards, except where noted, and shall apply in the High Density Residential District (R3):
            (1)    Lot area: the minimum lot size shall be six thousand, seven hundred (6,700) square feet.
            (2)    Lot coverage, maximum: thirty-five percent (35%).
            (3)    Lot width: sixty (60) feet of frontage on an improved public right-of-way, except as noted in Section 1127.04(a)(4).
            (4)    Lot width on a curving street or cul-de-sac: sixty (60) feet of frontage on an improved public right-of-way and lot width shall be sixty (60) feet at the minimum building line. Note: Cul-de-sac and corner lots shall be so designed to provide the required setbacks when overlain with a thirty (30) by fifty-four (54) foot template.
            (5)    Front yard setback: twenty (20) feet as measured between the street right-of-way line and the building setback line.
            (6)    Side yard setback: a minimum of ten (10) feet on any one side; for a Conditional Use, the side yard setback shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
            (7)    Rear yard setback: thirty-five (35) feet as measured from the rear property line.
            (8)    Dwelling dimensions: all R3 residential structures shall have nine hundred (900) square feet of living area, excluding basement.
            (9)    Garage Required: all R3 residential structures shall have an attached two (2) car garage, 400 square feet minimum.
            (10)    Corner Lots: corner lots shall meet the following requirements:
         A.   A corner lot shall be deemed to be the shorter of the two (2) sides fronting on streets.
         B.   The minimum setback on the side facing the side street shall be thirty-five (35) feet.
   (b)     Supplemental Standards. The following supplemental standards shall apply within the High Density Residential District (R3):
            (1)    No building shall exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height, or more than two (2) stories in height.
          (2)    A one (1) foot overhang shall be required on the roof lines of all primary residential structures.
         (Ord. 19-20. Passed 11-4-20.)