§ 153.091 STREET TREES.
   Provision shall be made for adequate street tree planting within the subdivision. Street trees, if provided, shall be at not less than 40-foot intervals nor more than 60 feet. They shall be of hardy, shade-producing type and of a minimum diameter of 1-1/2 inches at time of planting.
(Ord. passed 1-23-2001) Penalty, see § 153.999
§ 153.092 SOLAR ACCESS.
   (A)   General. All new subdivisions shall be designed so that the maximum number of buildings shall receive sunlight sufficient for using solar energy systems for space, water or industrial process heating or cooling.
   (B)   Manual. For purposes of design, the city will provide a manual outlining design criteria for solar access. The criteria shall also be used by the city in making staff reviews of each new subdivision.
   (C)   Street and lot orientation.
      (1)   Each proposed subdivision shall require a minimum of 50% of solar lots or lots that have a north-south orientation.
      (2)   To provide increased opportunity for south orientation of structures, streets shall be designed running in east/west directions and lots designed on a north/south axis. This provision shall apply where conditions reasonably warrant the design.
   (D)   Compliance. The Planning Commission may recommend to the Council that specific solar standards by modified under the following circumstances.
      (1)   The topography of the site is unsuitable for purposes of compliance with some or all of the solar standards.
      (2)   Compliance with some or all of the solar standards would adversely affect the natural features of the area being proposed for development.
      (3)   Other design techniques such as clustering in a suitable means of achieving more efficient solar orientation and access.
      (4)   Other designs that may be more suitable or energy efficient are proposed in lieu of, or in combination with, solar energy systems or solar structures.
(Ord. passed 1-23-2001) Penalty, see § 153.999
   (A)   In addition to the principles and standards in these regulations, which are appropriate to the planning of all subdivisions, the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the city that the street, parcel, and block pattern proposed is specifically adapted to the uses anticipated and takes into account other uses in the vicinity.
   (B)   The following principles and standards shall be observed.
      (1)   Proposed industrial parcels shall be suitable in area and dimensions to the types of industrial development anticipated.
      (2)   Street rights-of-way and pavement shall be adequate to accommodate the type and volume of traffic anticipated to be generated thereupon.
      (3)   Special requirements may be imposed by the local government with respect to street, curb, gutter, and sidewalk design and construction.
      (4)   Special requirements may be imposed by the local government with respect to the installation of public utilities, including water, sewer, and storm water drainage.
      (5)   Every effort shall be made to protect adjacent residential areas from potential nuisance from a proposed commercial or industrial subdivision, including the provision of extra depth in parcels backing upon existing or potential residential development and provisions for a permanently landscaped buffer strip when necessary.
      (6)   Streets carrying nonresidential traffic, especially truck traffic, shall not normally be extended to the boundaries of adjacent existing or potential residential areas.
(Ord. passed 1-23-2001) Penalty, see § 153.999
   (A)   Wetland delineations. All subdivisions of land including wetlands on parcels that are subject to any potential grading or development shall include a wetland delineation with initial subdivision submissions. Chisago County shall review and comment on wetland delineations and potential wetland impacts prior to final approval of any subdivision of property. Wetland impact and mitigation plans shall be prepared according to Chisago County standards and no development shall occur within any subdivision until all necessary wetland permits have been obtained.
   (B)   Wetland buffers. Twenty feet wide wetland buffers shall be established around all delineated wetlands. Wetland buffers within plats shall be encumbered by drainage and utility easements. Wetland buffer areas shall not be mowed, cleared, excavated or filled. Wetland buffers in platted and metes and bounds subdivisions shall be marked by wetland buffer signs according to city specifications. Unless otherwise specified by the city, wetland buffer signs shall be placed at intervals necessary to clearly mark the edge of the buffers or at 100-feet intervals, whichever is less.
   (C)   Wetland setbacks. All principal and accessory structures shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from a wetland buffer.
(Ord. 2006-, passed 1-23-2001) Penalty, see § 153.999
§ 153.105 SKETCH PLAT.
   (A)   General format. Sketch plats submitted to the Planning Commission shall be drawn to a convenient scale of not more than 100 feet to an inch. The sketch plans should provide information about existing streets, utilities, property lines, structures, and the like, to a distance of 100 feet beyond all sides of the proposed site.
   (B)   Project name.
      (1)   Name of subdivision if property is within an existing subdivision.
      (2)   Proposed name if not within a previously platted subdivision. The proposed name shall not duplicate the name of any plat previously recorded.
      (3)   Name of property if no subdivision name has been chosen. (This is commonly the name by which the property is locally known.)
   (C)   Project ownership and development information.
      (1)   Name, address, and telephone number of the legal owner and/or agent of property.
      (2)   Name, address, and telephone number of the professional person(s) responsible for subdivision design, public improvements, surveys, and the like.
   (D)   Description of proposed project.
      (1)   Boundary line of the proposed site and all property(ies) to be subdivided.
      (2)   Existing and proposed street layout and corresponding rights-of-way. Include the width and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or immediately adjacent to the tract. Identify railroad rights-of-way if applicable.
      (3)   The approximate location, dimensions, and areas of all proposed and existing lots and blocks.
      (4)   Existing and proposed utilities; water, sewer, storm, electric, and gas. Include and label public and private easements.
      (5)   General topography (10-foot vertical intervals minimum).
      (6)   Significant natural resource features on the site, i.e. wetlands; floodplains, watercourses, existing wooded areas and major trees, and other natural resource features.
      (7)   The approximate location, dimensions, and area of all parcels of land proposed to be set aside for open space or park use for public use or for the use of property owners in the proposed subdivision.
      (8)   The location of temporary stakes to enable the Planning Commission to find and appraise features of the sketch plat in the field (if requested by the city).
      (9)   A vicinity map showing streets and other general development of the surrounding area.
      (10)   Legal description of the property. Identify the section, township, range and county.
      (11)   Existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the subdivision.
      (12)   Total acreage of the proposed site.
      (13)   Provide graphic scale, north arrow, and date.
(Ord. passed 1-23-2001) Penalty, see § 153.999
   (A)   General format. The preliminary plat shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor, engineer or land planner at a convenient scale not less than one inch equals 100 feet. More than one sheet may be used to present the information required in this section. The sheets shall be numbered in sequence and shall be submitted on 22 inch by 34 inch sheets or as otherwise approved by the city.
   (B)   Project name.
      (1)   Name of the proposed subdivision.
      (2)   The proposed name of subdivision shall not duplicate or be alike in pronunciation of the name of any plat theretofore recorded in the county.
   (C)   Project ownership and development information.
      (1)   Name, address, and telephone number of the legal owner and, if applicable, agent of the property.
      (2)   Name, address, and telephone number of the professional person(s) responsible for subdivision design, for the design of public improvements, and for surveys.
      (3)   Approval of preliminary plat by owner.
      (4)   Date of preparation.
   (D)   Existing site conditions. Provide this information on a property survey map.
      (1)   Boundary line of the proposed site and all property(ies) to be subdivided. Include all contiguous land owned or controlled by the subdivider.
      (2)   Location, width, and names of all existing platted streets and rights-of-way to a distance of 100 feet beyond the site.
      (3)   Show the type, width and condition of street improvements; railroad or major utility rights-of-way, parks and other public open spaces, and permanent buildings and structures to a distance of 100 feet beyond the site if any.
      (4)   Location, widths, and names of all existing public and private easements to a distance of 100 feet beyond the site.
      (5)   Identify by name and ownership boundary lines of all adjoining lands within 100 feet of the proposed plat.
      (6)   Topographic data including contours at vertical intervals of not more than two feet.
      (7)   Significant natural resource features on the site, i.e. wetlands, floodplains, watercourses, existing wooded areas, other natural resource features, and the like. Show all wetlands identified as a part of the wetland sequencing process required by the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act.
      (8)   Existing soil classifications, refer to the Chisago County soil survey.
      (9)   Legal description of the property. Identify the section, township, range and county.
      (10)   Existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the subdivision.
      (11)   Total acreage of the proposed site.
      (13)   Provide graphic scale, north arrow, and date.
   (E)   Subdivision design features. Provide this information on the preliminary plat.
      (1)   Layout of proposed streets, showing right-of-way widths, types of improvements, street surface widths, and proposed street names.
      (2)   Location and widths of alleys, if any.
      (3)   Locations and type of proposed public easements; i.e. drainage, utility, pedestrian, and the like.
      (4)   Layout of proposed blocks and lots within the plat.
      (5)   Basic data regarding proposed and existing (if applicable) lots and blocks, including numbers, dimensions, area (in square feet for lots in urban areas and acres for lots in rural areas). Dimensions shall be provided for all property lines to the nearest whole number.
      (6)   Minimum front, side and rear yard building setback lines for all lots.
      (7)   Indication of the use of any lot (single-family, two-family, multi-family, townhouse) and all uses other than residential proposed by the subdivider.
      (8)   Location and size of all proposed and existing sanitary sewer lines and water mains or proposed community sewer and water system within the plat and to a distance of 100 feet beyond the site.
      (9)   Location and size of all proposed and existing storms sewers, culverts, retention ponds and other stormwater facilities within the plat and to a distance of 100 feet beyond the site.
      (10)   Areas, other than streets, alleys, pedestrian ways and utility easements, intended to be dedicated or reserved for public use, including the size of the area or areas in acres. Provide information on the purpose of those set asides, and conditions, if any, of the dedication or reservation.
   (F)   Preliminary construction plans. Provide information on one of more sheets.
      (1)   Proposed street centerline profile grades, showing the existing and proposed profile grade lines.
      (2)   Utilities plan showing proposed location of sanitary sewer, water, and storm sewer lines. Identify size, grades, and elevations. Show points of connection to the city systems or points of discharge.
      (3)   Grading and erosion control plan showing existing and proposed grades, drainage patterns, and stormwater facilities. The erosion control plan shall contain any information necessary for the city engineer and the building inspector to determine that adequate erosion control measures are proposed. The plan shall show the extent of grading activities in and adjacent to the plat. Refer to the “Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Urban Development and Runoff Handbook” for appropriate best management practices.
      (4)   Landscaping, if a residential plat is adjacent to a collector or arterial street or Interstate 35 or for all commercial and industrial plats provide information on the types of landscaping to be proposed with the project. Refer to the City of Harris zoning regulations for requirements.
   (G)   Compliance with the Minnesota Wetlands Conservation Act. A certificate of exemption or approved wetland plan that documents how the project complies with the State of Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act, being M.S. Chapter 103F, shall be submitted with the preliminary plat.
   (H)   Project information required. A cover letter can be used to provide written information describing the project as follows.
      (1)   Statement of the proposed use of lots stating type of residential buildings with number of proposed dwelling units and/or type of business or industry so as to reveal the effect of the development on traffic, tire hazards, and source of water supply.
      (2)   Provisions for sewage disposal, surface water drainage, and flood control.
      (3)   If any zoning changes are contemplated, show the proposed zoning areas, including dimensions.
      (4)   Other information as may be requested by the Planning Commission, City Council, or zoning administrator.
   (I)   Other information required on the preliminary plat.
      (1)   The name of any street heretofore used in the city or its environs shall not be used, unless the proposed street is an extension of an already named street, in which event the name shall be used.
      (2)   Blocks shall be consecutively numbered in order. The blocks in numbered additions to subdivisions bearing the same name shall be numbered or lettered consecutively throughout the several additions.
      (3)   All lots in each block shall be consecutively numbered.
      (4)   Outlots, if allowed, shall be lettered in alphabetical order.
      (5)   All information required on sketch plat should also be shown on the preliminary plat, and the following notation shall also be shown.
      (6)   Endorsement of owner, as follows:
         ________________________________       ____________
         Owner’s Approval of the Preliminary Plat      Date
   (J)   Rural residential subdivisions. If a plat is proposed in a rural residential zoning district, the applicant shall provide the following information on the design of individual sewer treatment systems (ISTS), a copy of the preliminary plat can be used to illustrate this information.
      (1)   A minimum of two percolation tests on each lot in the proposed plat.
      (2)   A report from a licensed designer verifying that the soils for each lot are acceptable for an on-site sewer system. The report shall also address how the systems will be designed in accordance with the MPCA Chapter 7080, as it shall be amended from time to time, and Chisago County ISTS Ordinance.
      (3)   A map of the site illustrating the location of the percolation tests on each lot, primary and secondary drain field areas, general soil conditions, and proposed building and driveway areas.
      (4)   Anyone engaging in the business of site evaluation, design, installation, repair, or pumping of an individual sewer treatment system within the City of Harris must be licensed as defined in the Chisago County ISTS Ordinance.
      (5)   Water samples shall be submitted to the Minnesota Department of Health or other appropriate agencies for its approval, and individual wells and central water systems shall be approved by the appropriate health authorities.
(Ord. passed 1-23-2001) Penalty, see § 153.999