(A) A conviction in the state for any of the below listed Texas Penal Code offenses or a violation of this chapter shall be considered grounds for denial, revocation or refusal to renew a permit requested under this section. Texas Penal Code Offenses include:
(1) Any of the following offenses as described in Tex. Penal Code Ch. 43:
(a) Prostitution;
(b) Promotion of prostitution;
(c) Aggravated promotion of prostitution;
(d) Compelling prostitution;
(e) Obscenity;
(f) Sale, distribution or display of harmful material to a minor;
(g) Sexual performance by a child;
(h) Employment harmful to children; or
(i) Possession or promotion of child pornography;
(2) Any of the following offenses as described in Tex. Penal Code Ch. 21:
(a) Public lewdness;
(b) Indecent exposure; or
(c) Indecency with a child;
(3) Sexual assault or aggravated sexual assault as described in Tex. Penal Code Ch. 22;
(4) Harboring a runaway child as described in Tex. Penal Code Ch. 25;
(5) Criminal attempt, conspiracy or solicitation to commit any of the above offenses; or
(6) A violation of the Texas Controlled Substance Act of Dangerous Drug Act punishable as a felony;
(7) Any offense under the laws of another state or the United States, without regard to its title, but which substantially corresponds to the elements of any Texas offense described or referred to above.
(B) Work permits may be revoked for any violation of this chapter.
(C) For purposes of this section the appeal of a conviction shall not prevent its consideration, unless and until it is reversed or set aside. Any disposition by a plea or Nolo Contendere or by deferred adjudication shall be considered in the same manner as a conviction. Notwithstanding division (A) of this section, if the conviction is at least three years old, the applicant may request consideration of a work permit application.
(Ord. 97-6, passed 4-22-97)
(A) A permit is valid for one year from the date of its issuance.
(B) A permit is personal to the named permit holder and is not valid for use by any other person.
(C) Each permit holder shall notify the City Police Department of his new address within ten days following any change of his/her address.
(Ord. 97-6, passed 4-22-97)
(A) Each owner, manager, entertainer, or employee shall maintain their personal work permit card in their possession at all times while on or in the premises of an adult oriented enterprise.
(B) Each owner, manager, entertainer, or employee shall provide his on-site card to the manager or on-site manager in charge of the enterprise to hold while the owner, manager, entertainer, or employee is on the premises.
(C) In any prosecution under this chapter, it shall be presumed that the owner, manager, entertainer, or employee did not have a permit unless the permit was in possession and the on-site card on display as required by this section.
(Ord. 97-6, passed 4-22-97)
(A) Unobstructed view. Excepting only adult motels, the interior of the sexually oriented business premises shall be configured in such a manner that there is an unobstructed view from a manager's station of every area of the premises to which any patron is permitted access for any purpose, excluding only restrooms. Restrooms may not contain video, photographic, monitoring or other surveillance equipment. The view required in this division must be by direct line of sight from the manager's station.
(B) Electronic surveillance equipment. Businesses which were lawfully operating and open to the public on June 21, 1994 may apply to the City Manager to allow the use of electronic surveillance equipment as an alternative to the direct line-of-sight requirements of this section.
(1) Businesses wishing to use an electronic surveillance system shall indicate on the sketch or diagram required by this section the locations of all cameras and the location of a single monitor station. The station must be located in a lobby or public waiting area, but the monitor(s) must be oriented so as to not be readily viewed by patrons.
(2) The City Manager may issue a written permit allowing the use of electronic surveillance equipment only upon a showing that:
(a) The business is otherwise in conformity with this chapter;
(b) The electronic surveillance equipment will promote the intent of this chapter;
(c) The equipment meets the standards set forth below; and
(d) Compliance with the direct line-of-sight requirements of this section would be impractical or unnecessarily burdensome or costly.
(3) When electronic surveillance equipment is approved and installed, a sign stating that “The entire premises of this business is monitored by electronic surveillance equipment at all times” must be prominently posted at the main entrance so as to be clearly visible to all patrons prior to entering the establishment.
(4) Electronic surveillance equipment must be installed, operated and maintained to meet the following standards at all times during which the premises are open to the public.
(a) Field of view - Requires a view of at least 95% of the room under surveillance and must at all times include a simultaneous view of all employees and customers in the room.
(b) The surveillance system shall monitor all areas simultaneously where patrons are permitted (excluding only restrooms) via split screen or multiple screens.
(c) Equipment will be set up, operational and properly adjusted at all times. If at any time the surveillance system is inoperative or fails to meet all minimum specifications hereunder, the business shall immediately comply with the provisions in division (B) above in its entirety.
(d) Electronic video cameras shall have a minimum light sensitivity of 1 lux; however, the room illumination shall be increased as necessary to assure surveillance equipment displays the room's contents and occupants clearly and accurately.
(e) Both the monitor(s) and camera(s) shall deliver resolution of not less than 380 horizontal TV lines, and signal-to-noise ratio shall be not less than 45 dB.
(f) Electronic surveillance equipment shall provide a constant audio feed from the cameras to the monitor(s). The audio system must feature a frequency response of at least 250 Hz to 8 kHz ± 5 dB, with no more than 3% total harmonic distortion. The amplitude of the audio feed shall be adjusted to not less than 5 dB above the ambient noise level of the room in which the monitor is located using an “A” weighted scale.
(5) At all times during which a member of the public is present in the business the exits to the booths or viewing rooms shall be open and unobstructed and a manager or other responsible employee shall observe the room monitor(s) to ensure the safe and lawful conduct of the occupants.
(7) An owner or operator commits an offense if a manager or other responsible employee fails to observe the system monitor(s) at all times during which a member of the public is present in the business premises. It is a defense to prosecution that at the time of the alleged offense the business was operating in full compliance with division (A) of this section.
(Ord. 95-31, passed 9-12-95; Am. Ord. 96-12, passed 2-27-96; Am. Ord. 97-6, passed 4-22-97)