General Provisions
53.01 Definitions
53.02 Compliance with existing authority
53.03 Reserved
53.04 Permit required
53.05 User charge system
53.06 Tampering with sewers prohibited
53.07 Connection to city sewer; septic tanks prohibited
Sewer Use Requirements; Discharges
53.20 Prohibited discharges
53.21 Chemical discharges
53.22 Hazardous metals and toxic materials
53.23 Particulate size
53.24 Stormwater and other unpolluted drainage
53.25 Temperature
53.26 Radioactive wastes
53.27 Impairment of facilities
53.28 Fats, oils and greases; control and prevention
53.29 Building sewer requirements
53.30 Sampling and testing
Administration and Enforcement
53.40 Approving authority requirements
53.41 Review and approval
53.42 Power to enter property
53.43 Authority to disconnect service
53.44 Notice; continuing violations
53.45 Failure to pay bills
53.46 Appeal
53.99 Penalty