§ 18-629. Industrial Cost Recovering Billing.
   1.   The payment of ICR charges shall be deemed a condition of discharge to the Township sanitary sewer system. Industrial waste discharge permits issued by the Township pursuant to § 18-628 of the Codified Ordinances of the Township of Hanover, are hereby subjected to ICR. The continuation of existing and the issuance of new permits shall require the agreement by each industrial user to pay his share of ICR, as set forth in this Section.
   2.   Except as provided in Subsection (4) below, the first ICR bills shall be issued to industrial users no later than 10 months from the effective date of this ICRS. Thereafter, all industrial users shall be billed on their normal wastewater user charge billing dates, or otherwise, but at least annually, as determined b the Township Manager.
   3.   Except as provided in subsection (4) below failure to pay ICR bills within 30 days of billing shall be subject to the same penalty procedures as apply to the sewer rate charges, as set forth in § 18-605(5) of the Codified Ordinances of the Township of Hanover. Furthermore, the Township may employ those lien procedures as are available for the collection of municipal claims. In addition, the Township may institute any action at law or equity or employ any other legal remedy available to it for the collection of the ICR charges.
   4.   Industrial users shall not be required to pay ICR charges incurred for any period during which a Federal moratorium pertaining to the industrial cost recovery system exists pursuant to Federal law. ICR charges accrued during this period or periods shall be payable by the industrial users in a lump sum at such time as the Federal moratorium is lifted.
(Ord. 339, 7/3/1996, § 4)