General Provisions
34.01 Fiscal year and deposits
34.02 Appropriations, claims, audits, and funds
34.03 Working Cash Fund
34.04 Revenue Sharing Trust Fund
34.05 FOIA fees
34.06 City checks to be cashed
34.07 Investment policy
34.20 General Corporate Fund Tax
34.21 Municipal Band Tax
34.22 Public Library Fund Tax
34.23 Working Cash Fund Tax
34.24 Municipal Retailer’s Occupation Tax
34.25 Municipal Service Occupation Tax
34.26 Municipal Use Tax
34.27 Municipal Audit Tax
34.28 Judgment Tax
34.29 Street Lighting Tax
34.30 Street and Bridge Tax
34.31 Extension and Maintenance of Sewer Tax
34.32 Cannabis Retailer’s Occupation Tax