§ 92.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Whoever violates any clause or section of this chapter shall be fined not less than $3 nor more than $100, and if any such person or corporation shall continue a nuisance after being fined for the same, a new cause of action shall immediately accrue against such person or corporation, subjecting the offender to a like penalty aforesaid, and so on, after rendition of each fine, the continuance of such nuisance shall be deemed a new cause of action, subjecting the offender to a like penalty as aforesaid; provided, the offender shall, in every case, under this chapter, be notified by some executive officer of said city, to remove or abate any such nuisance and be allowed a reasonable time to be fixed by such officer in such notice, according to the nature of such nuisance, to so remove and abate the same and, upon so doing within the time fixed by such officer, the offender shall not be subject to the fine aforesaid, unless the commission of such nuisance was willful or resulted in actual damage to the person or property of some person or corporation.
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 17)
   (B)   Any owner or occupant of any premises who permits or suffers the existence of a nuisance shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $100.
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 18)
   (C)   Each day on which such nuisance is in existence shall be deemed a new violation of this chapter and subject to a distinct and separate charge of violation hereunder and, upon conviction, to a fine therefore.
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 19)
   (D)   (1)   The burning of garbage and household waste other than paper and cardboard within the city limits, in violation of § 92.01(C), is prohibited, and any person violating this prohibition or causing, suffering, or allowing a violation shall upon conviction be guilty of a misdemeanor.
      (2)   Upon conviction of a violation, the violator shall be subject to a fine of not less than $50 and not more than $500. If the evidence establishes that the Fire Department was called in connection with the violation and that it was necessary for the Fire Department to respond to the call upon which the violation was based, the fine shall be no less than $300.
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 21)
   (E)   (1)   It is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor for any person, firm, or corporation to engage in the burning of trash within the city, in violation of § 92.01(D), between the hours of 6:30 p.m. and 6:30 a.m.
      (2)   Upon conviction of a violation of § 92.01(D), the violator shall be subject to a fine of not less than $50 and not more than $500. If the evidence establishes that the Fire Department was called in connection with the violation and that it was necessary for the Fire Department to respond to the call upon which the violation was based, the fine shall be no less than $300.
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 22)
   (F)   Persons convicted of violating § 92.01(E) shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $500 for each and every day said condition exists.
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 23)
   (G)   The running at large of such animal of the species and class as are designated in the § 92.04(A) is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and any person who negligently, willfully, and wantonly permits such animals to run at large shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to punishment as in the case of other misdemeanors.
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 2)
   (H)   Any person disposing of vegetative matter at the City of Hamilton’s VWDS in violation of §§ 92.30 through 92.32 shall be subject to a fine of not less than $250 nor more than $500 for each such violation.
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 4, § 8)
(Ord. 5 (Series 1995-1996), passed 8-7-1995; Ord. 17 (Series 1997-1998), passed 4-20-1998)