(A)   Enumeration. Within the territorial jurisdiction of said city, it is hereby declared to be a nuisance for any person or persons or corporation:
      (1)   Smell. To so negligently conduct any business or use any premises as to create such an offensive smell as may taint the air and render it unwholesome or disagreeable to other persons;
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 1)
      (2)   Dead animals. To cause or suffer the carcass of any animal, offal, filth, or noisome substance to be collected, deposited, or remain in any place to the prejudice of other persons;
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 2)
      (3)   Streets and alleys. To throw or deposit any offal or other offensive matter or the ceraceous of any animal in any watercourse, pond, spring, well, or common sewer, street, alley, or public highway;
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 3)
      (4)   Public grounds. To deposit any ashes, offal, dirt, garbage, or any offensive matter upon any street, alley, or public ground;
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 4)
      (5)   Water. To corrupt or render unwholesome or impure the water of any spring, river, stream, pond, or lake to the injury or prejudice of others;
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 5)
      (6)   Drainage. To obstruct or impede, without legal authority, the passage of any culvert, sewer, cesspool, or the natural drainage of any public or private property;
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 6)
      (7)   Obstruction of way. To obstruct or encroach upon public highways, private ways, streets, alleys, commons, landing places, and ways to burying places;
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 7)
      (8)   Sidewalks. To spit upon any sidewalk;
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 8)
      (9)   Putrefiable matter. To permit or suffer any offal, filth, refuse, or animal or vegetable matter which is liable to become putrid or offensive or injurious to health to remain on any premises used or occupied by him, her, or them for a longer period than 24 hours at one time;
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 9)
      (10)   Condition of property. To keep or suffer to be kept in a foul, offensive, nauseous, or filthy condition or any railroad car, building, yard, cellar, barn, sewer, pigsty, or privy;
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 10)
      (11)   Cattle and swine. To own, keep, or use any railroad car, pen, place, or premises in or upon which cattle or swine shall be confined or kept so as to be offensive to persons residing in the vicinity of the same;
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 11)
      (12)    Noxious exhalations. To erect, continue, or use any building or other place for the exercise of any trade, employment, or manufacture which, by occasioning noxious exhalations, offensive smells, or otherwise, is offensive or dangerous to the health of individuals or of the public;
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 12)
      (13)   Dilapidation and obnoxious growth. For the owner or keeper of any lot or premises to suffer to remain thereon, to the annoyance and detriment of other persons, a dilapidated building liable to fall or take fire, and which, by reason of its proximity to the contiguous or adjacent buildings and premises of other persons, does endanger their life or property;
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 13)
      (14)   Obnoxious growth. Being the owner or in possession or in control of any premises, to permit thereon the presence of brush, weeds, dead or dying trees, stumps, roots, obnoxious growth, filth, garbage, trash, inoperative or unused chattel property, and debris;
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 13A)
      (15)   Stagnant water. For the owner or keeper of any lot or premises to suffer to stand or remain thereon water which is or may become stagnant, foul, and offensive as well as detrimental to the health and comfort of persons residing in the neighborhood thereof; and
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 14)
      (16)   Butchering. To erect or use habitually any house or lot within the city limits for the purpose of butchering or slaughtering cattle, calves, sheep, or swine without permission granted by the City Council.
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 15)
   (B)   Weeds. The presence of weeds and/or other plants (excluding, however, domesticated plants, shrubs, or trees and all plants or grasses less than 12 inches in height) upon lands located within the corporate limits of the city are declared to constitute a nuisance.
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 18)
   (C)   Burning of household garbage or waste. For purposes of this section, GARBAGE or HOUSEHOLD WASTE means all solid waste and refuse products or materials generated by any household including, but not limited to, materials generated as a result of cooking, cleaning, and all other household activities; however, the meaning of GARBAGE and HOUSEHOLD WASTE shall specifically not include paper, cardboard, leaves, or brush.
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 21)
   (D)   Burning of trash.
      (1)   TRASH is, for purposes of this division (D), hereby defined as any litter, paper, cardboard, or other waste material of any kind or character, except garbage or household waste, as defined in division (C) above.
      (2)   Any person, firm, or corporation burning trash between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. shall burn said trash in a suitable container with a wire mesh or screen top thereon.
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 22)
   (E)   Covering of wells and cisterns. It shall be unlawful, within the city, to allow any well or cistern to remain open or uncovered or to remain without a cover adequate to prevent persons from falling therein, pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/11-20-10.
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 1, § 23)
(Ord. 2 (Series 1977-1978), passed - -; Ord. 9 (Series 1979-1980), passed - -) Penalty, see § 92.99
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see 65 ILCS 5/11-20-10