(A)   Pound Master. The Chief of Police is hereby declared to be the Pound Master of said city, and it shall be his or her duty as such Pound Master to impound any and all domestic animals of the species of horse, mule, ass, cattle, sheep, swine, goose, or goat which shall be at large within the corporate limits of said city, either upon his or her own initiative or upon complaint being made to him or her, and such duties shall also be incumbent upon any other members of the Police Department of the city.
   (B)   Notice of impounding. The Chief of Police or his or her deputies, as the case may be, shall impound such animal or animals as are referred to in division (C) below, at some convenient pound or enclosure and shall give notice to the owner thereof, if known, immediately or, if such owner is unknown, shall post three notices of such impounding in three of the most public places in said city and shall also publish a notice in the official newspaper of said city.
   (C)   Reclamation. The owner of such animal may then reclaim his or her property by paying to the Chief of Police or other officer impounding the same the sum of $1 plus the reasonable costs and expenses of impounding and caring for such animal and giving notice of such impounding.
   (D)   Disposal. If, within ten days after the posting of such notices and the publication of such notice in the official newspaper as aforesaid, no owner has paid the costs and expenses of such impounding and publication, then said animal or animals shall be forfeited to the city to be disposed of as the Council directs.
(Prior Code, Chapter 9, Article 2) Penalty, see § 92.99