5.13.010: Definitions
5.13.020: Application; Fee; Period
5.13.030: Application; Approval; Denial
5.13.040: Permit Display; Required
5.13.050: Persons Not Qualified To Be Issued Permit
5.13.060: Restriction Of Sales By Beverage Permit Holder
5.13.070: Sanitary Requirements
5.13.080: Dates; Hours Of Sale Of Liquor, Wine And Beer
5.13.090: Examination Of Premises
5.13.100: Suspension And Revocation Of Beverage Catering Permit
5.13.110: Regulatory And Penalty Provisions Applicable
A. All persons who serve and sell liquor by the drink, beer and wine, or beer, or wine, at a party, convention or similar event to take place within the city, shall obtain an alcohol beverage catering permit issued pursuant to this chapter. An alcohol beverage catering permit shall be limited to authorization to sell liquor, beer or wine, or any combination thereof, for a period not to exceed five (5) consecutive days. Further, the permit shall be limited to authorization to sell liquor, beer or wine, or any combination thereof, based upon the type of license which the applicant possesses. Applications for such permit shall be made to the city, on such form as prescribed by the city, which shall contain at a minimum, but not be limited to, the following information:
1. The name and address of the applicant and the number of his/her state liquor, beer or wine license;
2. The dates and hours during which the permit is to be effective, not to exceed five (5) consecutive days;
3. The names of the organizations, groups, or persons sponsoring the event; and the name of the applicant's designee who will be present at the event;
4. The address at which the liquor, beer or wine is to be served, and if a public building, the rooms in which the liquor, beer or wine is to be served. If the location or premises upon which the liquor, beer or wine is to be served is not owned by the applicant, a certified copy of the lease or consent to occupy the premises and a showing of proof that the owner consents to the service and sale of alcoholic beverages on such premises must be included with the application.
B. The application shall be verified by the applicant and filed with the city clerk not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the catering date(s) requested. Failure to complete the required portions of the application may result in a denial of the application.
C. The application shall be accompanied by a filing fee in the amount of twenty dollars ($20.00) for each day the permit is to be in effect and such fee shall be paid to the city and shall not be refunded in any event.
D. Any alcohol catering permit issued by the city shall be valid only under the conditions and terms approved by the city council and be valid only within the city limits.
E. A catering permit issued pursuant to this chapter is nontransferable. (Ord. 1200, 2016; Ord. 1004 § 15, 2008; Ord. 759 § 2, 2000)
A. Upon the filing of an application for an alcohol beverage catering permit, the chief of police and the fire chief shall approve or disapprove the application and indicate the determination on the face of the application. A copy of the application, with endorsement thereon, shall be mailed or delivered immediately to the applicant, and the signed original retained by the city clerk. An application approved in this manner shall constitute an alcohol beverage catering permit.
B. The chief of police shall run a background check of the applicant and shall verify compliance with the provisions set forth in this chapter.
C. The chief of police and the fire chief may deny a catering permit to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public, to prevent unlawful disturbances or public nuisances, or to promote and carry out the policies of the city.
D. The chief of police and the fire chief may, upon good cause shown, require different conditions, terms, or a reduction in the number of requested dates or times for a catering permit as determined reasonable to carry out the policies of the city, which include protection of the health, safety and welfare of the public, or to prevent an unlawful disturbance or nuisance. Such conditions may include execution of an indemnification agreement; posting of appropriate signs; and hiring at the applicant's expense of additional bonded security personnel.
E. In the case of a denial or revision, the applicant may appeal the decision to the Hailey city council. (Ord. 1200, 2016; Ord. 1004 § 16, 2008; Ord. 759 § 3, 2000)