(A)   Statement of purpose. The intent of the Professional and Office District is to permit areas containing a mixture of light commercial and professional uses, and a mixture of residential, public and semi-public uses. The regulations are designed to protect and encourage the transitional character of the districts by limiting the permitted uses to those of a commercial and professional service nature and to permit residential dwelling uses as a desirable mix in a transitional district.
   (B)   Permitted uses. See Schedule of Uses, Appendix A, attached to the ordinance from which this chapter is derived, adopted by reference in § 153.272.
   (C)   Conditional uses. See Schedule of Uses, Appendix A, attached to the ordinance from which this chapter is derived, adopted by reference in § 153.272.
   (D)   Standards.
      (1)   Building site area. The minimum building site area shall be as follows:
         (a)   Single-family detached: 6,000 square feet per unit;
         (b)   Two-family (duplex): 8,000 square feet per two units;
         (c)   Multi-family: 2,170 square feet per three units or more; and
         (d)   For other permitted uses: 8,000 square feet.
      (2)   Building site width. The minimum lot width at the building setback line shall be as follows:
         (a)   Single-family detached: 50 feet;
         (b)   Two-family (duplex): 50 feet;
         (c)   Multi-family: 60 feet; and
         (d)   For other permitted uses: 60 feet.
      (3)   Building site coverage. The maximum building coverage by all buildings shall not exceed 45%.
      (4)   Building height limit. No structure shall exceed 35 feet in height.
      (5)   Setback requirements. The minimum yard requirements shall be as follows:
         (a)   Front yard: 25 feet;
         (b)   Rear yard: 15 feet; and
         (c)   Side yard: five feet.
(Ord. 2013-2, passed 2-7-2013)