(A) Statement of purpose. The intent of this district is to permit certain industries which are of a light manufacturing character to locate in acceptable areas in the city. So that such uses may be integrated with other land uses, such as commercial and residential areas, limitations are placed upon the degree of noise, smoke, glare, waste and other features of industrial operations which may cause adverse effects. It is further intended that these light industrial uses act as a transition between heavier industrial uses and nonindustrial uses.
(B) Permitted uses. Any use listed as permissible in Appendix A, Schedule of Uses, attached to the ordinance from which this chapter is derived, adopted by reference in § 153.272, is permitted.
(C) Conditional uses. Any use listed as conditional in Appendix A, Schedule of Uses, attached to the ordinance from which this chapter is derived, adopted by reference in § 153.272, is a conditional use.
(D) Standards.
(1) Building site area. There is no minimum building site area.
(2) Building site width. There is no minimum building site width.
(3) Building site coverage. The maximum building site coverage by all buildings shall be 60% of the total lot area.
(4) Building height limit. No structure shall exceed 60 feet in height.
(5) Setback requirements. Setback requirements for yards shall be as follows:
(a) Front yard: one half the width of the right-of-way of the street the building fronts, the yard shall be a minimum of 25 feet and shall not be required to exceed 40 feet;
(b) Rear yard: ten feet shall be provided unless the District abuts a residential district, then the rear yard shall be 25 feet not including loading and docking facilities; and
(c) Side yard: ten feet on each side shall be provided unless the District abuts a residential district, then the side yard shall be 20 feet, not including loading and docking facilities.
(E) General requirements.
(3) Plans. Plans for building construction, parking area, yards, driveways, entrances and exits shall be approved by the appropriate administrative officer, in consultation with the Planning Commission, and they may require changes therein deemed necessary or desirable to ensure safety, to minimize traffic difficulty and to safeguard adjacent properties.
(4) Lighting. Exterior lighting proposed for use on this site shall be planned, erected and maintained so light is confined to the property and will not cast direct light or glare upon adjacent properties or public rights-of-way.
(5) Buffering.
(a) A permanent landscape buffer of evergreen plant material or solid wall or fence or other suitable enclosure is required when industrial land abuts a residential district.
(b) All open storage of merchandise, material and equipment shall be screened by adequate ornamental fencing or evergreen planting at the side and rear of the lot abutting a residence district on which said open space or display occurs; provided, the maximum screening required shall be eight feet in height.
(F) Special provisions for residential structures in I-1 Districts. Notwithstanding the provisions of Appendix A (Schedule of Uses), attached to the ordinance from which this chapter is derived, adopted by reference in § 153.272 and §§ 153.080 and 153.082, excluding § 153.082(D), a single-family residential structure, existing as of the passage of these regulations, on any lot containing less than 10,000 square feet, may be considered a use allowed by right in an I-1 District. The construction or reconstruction of a single-family residential dwelling and any addition or accessory structures appurtenant to a single-family residence may be permitted subject to conformance with all applicable setbacks and lot coverage requirements. This provision shall not apply to any property which was a vacant lot as of the passage of these regulations, property containing 10,000 square feet or greater, or property which has been converted to nonresidential uses before or after the passage of these regulations. Any applicant requesting a permit under this provision must demonstrate applicability and conformance with this provision.
(Ord. 2013-2, passed 2-7-2013)