(A)   In all districts, there shall be provided at such time any building or structure is erected, enlarged or increased in capacity, off-street parking spaces for automobiles in accordance with the following requirements:
Table of Parking Spaces Required
Parking Spaces Required
Table of Parking Spaces Required
Parking Spaces Required
Assisted living facility
One space per apartment unit
Automobile wrecking yards, junk or salvage yards which sell new or used merchandise to the public
One parking space for each two employees, plus one space for each 10,000 square feet of lot area or two spaces for each 1,000 square feet of floor area, whichever is greater
Banks, business or professional offices
One per 300 square feet of usable floor space, plus one per each three employees
Barber or beauty shop
Two per barber or three per beautician
Boarding or rooming house, tourist home
One space for each three boarders not rooming on the premises; one for each two guests provided overnight accommodations
Bowling alleys
Five per alley
One per four seats; or one per 30 square feet of usable floor area of auditorium, whichever is greater
Commercial recreation uses
One per three patrons based on design capacity of the facility
Commercial or trade schools
One per three students plus two per three employees
Country club
One per five members
Crisis counseling centers
One space per each two employees plus one space per three beds if overnight accommodations are provided
Detoxification facility
One space per employee plus one space per three occupants at design capacity
Dwelling (single- and two-family)
One and one-half per dwelling unit
Dwelling (multiple-family)
One and one-half per one-bedroom dwelling; two per two-bedroom dwelling
Gasoline service station
One parking space for each employee, plus three for each service bay
Governmental office buildings
One per 300 feet of usable floor area, plus one per each three employees. Every governmental vehicle shall be provided with a reserved off-street parking space
Group homes, homeless shelters, domestic violence shelters, orphanages and similar uses
One space per four beds plus one space per employee
Homes for the aged, sanitariums, convalescent or nursing homes
One space for each four patient beds, plus one per staff doctor, plus one space for each three employees
One per three patient beds exclusive of bassinets, plus one for each staff doctor and one for each three employees on the maximum work shift
One per two rooms or suite, plus two per three employees
One for each 400 square feet
Limousine and taxi service
One space for each employee and one space per vehicle that provides service
Manufacturing or industrial establishment, public utility service building, research or testing laboratory, creamery, bottling plant, other wholesale warehouse or similar
One per two employees on the maximum work shift plus space to accommodate all trucks and vehicles used in connection therewith
Medical and dental clinics
Three patient parking spaces per staff doctor, plus two spaces per three employees, plus one space per staff doctor
Mortuaries or funeral parlors
Five spaces per parlor or chapel unit, or one per four seats, whichever is greater
Motels and tourist courts
One per guest bedroom
Private clubs, lodge or union hall
One per three members or one for each 100 square feet of non-storage and non-service floor area
Restaurant, café or establishment serving beverages or refreshments
One per three employees, plus one per 300 square feet of usable floor space, or one per three fixed seats, whichever is greater
Retail stores, personal service establishments and similar uses
One per 300 square feet of floor area plus one for each two employees
Retail stores such as supermarkets, department stores, furniture and appliance stores, wholesale stores, motor vehicle sales or machinery sales
One space for each 600 square feet of floor area plus one for each two employees
Schools shall be provided with parking spaces under the following schedule:
• Elementary, junior high and the equivalent private or parochial
• Senior high or equivalent
• Kindergartens, day care centers and the equivalent, private or parochial
• Colleges and universities
Two spaces per three employees plus one space for each five seats in the auditorium, or one space for each classroom, whichever is greater
Two spaces per three teachers and other employees, plus one space per five seats in the auditorium, whichever is greater
Two parking spaces per attendant or teacher, plus one off-street loading space per six children enrolled
One space per every five classroom seats
Stadiums and sports arenas or gymnasiums
One space per five seats
Swimming pools
One space per 30 square feet of water area
Television and radio stations
One space for every two employees plus one space for each vehicle operated by the use
Theater, indoor
One space for every three seats
   (B)   In applying the standards set forth above, the following shall apply.
      (1)   Accessory uses are calculated using the formula applicable to the principle use of the property and are considered inclusive of the total required for the principle use of property. In the case of mixed or joint uses, the parking spaces required shall equal the sum of the requirements of various uses computed separately. In cases of mixed or joint uses or in cases as provided in division (B)(6) below, parking facilities may be shared if multiple uses cooperatively establish and operate parking facilities if these uses generate parking demands at different times. (For example, if one use operates during the evenings and weekends only and the other use operates during the weekdays only.) The applicant shall have the burden of proof for a reduction in the total number of required parking spaces, and shall provide documentation to include covenants, deed restrictions or other agreements to ensure conformance with the provisions of this chapter.
      (2)   Where a fractional space results, any fraction less than one-half may be dropped and any fraction of one-half or more shall be counted as one parking space.
      (3)   These standards shall apply fully to all uses and buildings established after the effective date of this chapter.
      (4)   Except for parcels of land devoted to one- and two-family uses, all areas devoted to off-street parking shall be so designed and be of such size that no vehicle is required to back into a public street to obtain egress.
      (5)   Where parking is to be provided in the front yard of a multiple-family dwelling, there shall be established a setback line often feet. The area between the setback line and front lot line shall be prepared and planted with grass, shrubs or trees.
      (6)   All parking spaces required herein shall be located on the same lot with the building or use served. However, when an increase in the number of spaces is required by a change of use or enlargement of the building or where the spaces are provided collectively or used jointly by two or more buildings or establishments, the required spaces may be located and maintained not to exceed 400 feet from any other nonresidential building served.
      (7)   No signs of any kind shall be erected except information signs used to guide traffic and to state the conditions and terms of the use of the lot. Only non-intermittent white lighting of signs shall be permitted.
(Ord. 2013-2, passed 2-7-2013)