Each sheet of every such petition containing signatures shall a verified on the back thereof, in substantially the following form, by the person who circulated the sheet of the petition, by his or her affidavit thereon as a part thereof. The person circulating such petition shall be a qualified elector of the city:
State or Oklahoma   )
                 ) ss
County of Logan    )
I,                                            , being first duly sworn, say: That I am a qualified elector of the City of Guthrie, Oklahoma and that (here shall be legibly written or typewritten the names of the signers of the sheet), signed this sheet of the foregoing petition, and each of them signed his name thereto in my presence; I believe that each has stated his name, post office address, and residence correctly and that each signer is a legal voter of the City of Guthrie, Oklahoma. (Signature and post office address of affiant.) Subscribed and sworn to before me this          day of                               A.D., 20      . (Signature and title of the officer before whom oath is made and his post office address.)
(`91 Code, § 22-5) (Ord. 2914, passed - - )