The referendum petition shall be substantially as follows:
   Petition for referendum: To the Honorable                                            , Mayor of the City of Guthrie. We, the undersigned citizens and legal voters of the City of Guthrie, Oklahoma, respectfully order that Ordinance No.           , entitle (title of ordinance, and if the petition is against less than the whole ordinance, then set forth here the part or parts on which the referendum is sought), passed by the City Council, shall be referred to the people of the City of Guthrie, Oklahoma for their approval or rejection at the next general or special election and each for himself says: I have personally signed this petition; I am a legal voter of the City of Guthrie, Oklahoma; my residence and post office are correctly written after my name.
   General provisions: Referendum petitions shall be filed with the City Clerk not more than 30 days after the final adjournment of the meeting of the Council which passed the bill on which the referendum is demanded. The question we herewith submit to our fellow voters is: Shall the following ordinance be approved?
   (Insert here an exact copy of the title and text of the measure)
Name                                                               Residence/Post Office or Street and Number
   (Here follow 40 numbered lines for signatures.)
(`91 Code, § 22-1) (Ord. 2914, passed - - )