Each initiative petition and each referendum petition shall be duplicated for the securing of signatures, and each sheet for signatures shall be attached to a copy of the petition. Each copy of the petition and sheets for signatures are hereinafter termed a pamphlet. On the outer page of each pamphlet shall be printed the word "Warning" as authorized by 34 O.S. § 3 and underneath this in ten-point type the words, "It is a felony for anyone to sign an initiative or, referendum petition with any name other than his own, or knowingly to sign his name more than once for the measure, or to sign such petition when he is not a legal voter". A simple statement of the gist of the proposition shall be printed on the top margin of each signature sheet. Not more than 40 signatures on one sheet shall be counted. Any signature sheet not in substantial compliance with this section shall be disqualified by the City Clerk.
(`91 Code, § 22-3) (Ord. 2914, passed - - )