A.   Every applicant that is applying for an original first-time license, except applicants for an employee, charitable event, special event or airline/railroad beverage license shall obtain a Certificate of Compliance from the City by:
      1.   Filing a written application on forms prescribed by the City; and
      2.   Paying one hundred dollar ($100.00) Certificate of Compliance fee; such fee may be amended per action of the City Council.
   B.   Upon receipt of an application for a Certificate of Compliance, the following City departments shall review and verify compliance:
      1.   The proposed location and use thereof must comply with all Municipal zoning ordinances, verified by the Planning and Zoning Administrator.
      2.   The proposed site and structure must comply with all Building Codes, verified by the building inspector.
      3.   The proposed site, structure and location must comply with all Fire Code requirements, verified by the Fire Chief or his designee.
      4.   The proposed location and use must comply with provisions regarding food services, verified by the Delaware County Health Department.
   C.   The City shall act on all such applications within twenty (20) days of receipt thereof.
   D.   Upon finding that the premises of an applicant for a Certificate of Compliance is in compliance with all applicable zoning ordinances, Building, Fire, Safety and Health Codes, a Certificate of Compliance shall be issued. The applicant is responsible for submitting the Certificate of Compliance to ABLE with their license application.
   E.   The above Certificate of Compliance shall be signed by the City Manager or his designee. (Ord. 753, 9-4-2018)