1309.01 Use or occupancy; certificates required.
1309.02 Requirements for certificate.
1309.03 Certificate issuance.
1309.04 Requirements for temporary certificate.
1309.05 Posting.
1309.06 Fees.
1309.99 Penalty.
Use regulations for zoning districts - see P. & Z. Ch. 1135
Roof water must be carried to the curb line before certificate issuance - see BLDG. 1321.06(b)
(a) Nonresidential. No new building or structure in a nonresidential classification shall be used or occupied and no change in the existing occupancy of any building or structure or portion thereof shall be made until the Building Inspector has issued a Certificate of Occupancy therefor as provided herein.
(b) Residential. No building or structure, or any portion thereof, used or intended for use as a private residence or apartment dwelling shall be so used or occupied until the Building Department has issued a Certificate of Occupancy therefor.
(c) No builder, general contractor, owner or tenant shall knowingly permit a building or structure as described in subsection (a) and (b) hereof to be used or occupied until such time as there has been issued a Certificate of Occupancy as required by the subsections.
(Ord. C29-79. Passed 4-23-79.)
The following department requirements must be fulfilled and approved prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy:
(a) Building Department. The building or structure is constructed and completed as per plans and specifications.
(b) Water Department. The curb box and water valve are installed properly.
(c) Street Department. The curb, driveway approach and public sidewalk are free from cracks and constructed as per the requirements of the City.
(d) Sewer Department. All manholes and sewers located on private property are free from debris and installed properly and to grade.
(e) Engineering Department. All final grades are completed as per accepted plot and grading plans.
(f) Jackson Township Fire Department. The location of fire extinguishers, exit signs and the acceptance of any required fire fighting apparatus.
(Ord. C29-79. Passed 4-23-79.)
If, after final inspections by all involved departments of the City, it is found that the building or structure and the site there located on complies with all provisions of the Grove City Code of Ordinances and the Jackson Township Fire Department, the Building Inspector shall issue a Certificate of Occupancy which shall contain the following:
(a) A statement of the use and occupancy for which the certificate is used.
(b) A statement that the floor load sign and other maximum seating capacity signs have been installed (except residential and apartments).
(c) A certification that the building or structure complies with the provisions of this Code.
(d) All site improvements including sidewalks, curbs and gutters, hard surface driveways, final grading, lot pinning, seeding and/or sodding has been completed.
(Ord. C29-79. Passed 4-23-79.)