The roof water from a residential, commercial or industrial building may be:
   (a)   Discharged to the street or where available to the curb under drain. The drainage pipe shall be no smaller than three inches (3") in diameter thin-walled polyvinylchloride (PVC) or approved equivalent. All joints shall be connected by approved methods.
(Ord. C78-97. Passed 1-5-98; Ord. C62-10. Passed 10-18-10.)
   (b)   Discharged on the same site or lot as the building is located provided that:
      (1)   When downspouts, roof drains or their extensions are discharged into the ground or lot surface, the water shall be emptied onto a three-foot long splash block or such other device or material as may be approved by the Inspector.
      (2)   The lot is graded or sloped and the roof water is so discharged that the water does not flow onto adjacent lots or tracts of ground except in swales, storm sewers or ditches which drain the lot in accordance with an approved grading plan.
      (3)   The sump pump discharge is connected to the curb underdrain or other approved storm drainage system.
(Ord. C78-97. Passed 1-5-98.)
   (c)   Green building standards also may be utilized to mitigate all or a portion of the site grading and drainage requirements as set forth in this chapter. A storm water management plan shall be developed and submitted to the Chief Building Officer for review and approval prior to implementation. This storm water management plan shall be developed to minimize concentrated flows and to stimulate flows in natural hydrology by the use of dry wells, French drains, rain barrels, rain gardens, vegetated swales and similar feature. Once approved and implemented, the site grading and drainage shall not cause excessive erosion or water damage and shall not create a nuisance on public or private property. Additionally, the approved site grading and drainage shall not thereafter be changed by any owner, occupant or other person in control of the premises in such a way as to diminish or impede the runoff.
(Ord. C62-10. Passed 10-18-10.)
   (d)   (1)   Storm water management features shall not be located in the right-of-way unless the owner, occupant or other person in control of the premises fully complies with the requirements of Chapter 907 regarding the use and occupation of rights-of-way.
(Ord. C62-10. Passed 10-18-10.)
      (2)   Dry wells, French drains, rain gardens and vegetated swales shall be located a minimum of ten feet from foundations and 15 feet from property line. All roof drain conductors leading to these alternative drainage methods shall be a minimum of four-inch three-walled polyvinylchloride (PVC) solid pipe and installed underneath the finished grade.
(Ord. C62-10. Passed 10-18-10.)
      (3)   Rain barrels shall not be located nearer to any street than the nearest wall of the building in question, or nearer to any side or rear property line than three feet, and should match the color of the adjacent structure. A complete rain barrel system shall consist of at least one holding tank with a maximum capacity of 100 gallons, a downspout connector/diverter, a sealed lid or mosquito screen, a hose bib and an overflow connected to a storm sewer or an approved location.
(Ord. C62-10. Passed 10-18-10.)
      (4)   Rain gardens shall be subject to the review and approval of the Chief Building Official and shall be constructed in accordance with the latest edition of the Rain Garden Guideline for Southern Ohio published by the Ohio State University Extension, Hamilton County.
(Ord. C62-10. Passed 10-18-10.)
   (e)   The Inspector shall issue no certificates of occupancy and compliance for any residential unit or industrial or commercial building until the Inspector has determined that roof water is adequately discharged into the storm drainage system.
(Ord. C62-10. Passed 10-18-10.)
(Ord. C46-76. Passed 5-17-76.)