8.24.080 Administration and implementation.
   A.   Administration of this chapter shall be by the Butte County Health Department or its designees.
   B.   Any citizen who desires to register a complaint hereunder may request the Butte County Health Department or its designees to consider enforcement by either of the following actions:
      1.   Serving notice requiring the correction of any violation of this chapter;
      2.   Calling upon the district attorney to maintain any action for injunction to enforce the provisions of this chapter, to cause the correction of any such violation, and for assessment and recovery of the penalty for such violation.
   C.   Any owner, manager, operator or employer of any establishment controlled by this chapter shall have the right to inform persons violating this chapter of the appropriate provisions thereof.
   D.   The fire department or the health department shall require, while an establishment is undergoing otherwise mandated inspections, a "self-certification" from the owner, manager, or operator or other person having control of such establishment that all requirements of this chapter have been complied with.
   E.   No Liability for Nonenforcement. In undertaking the enforcement of this chapter, the county is assuming an undertaking only to promote the general welfare. It is not assuming, nor is it imposing on its officers and employees, an obligation for breach of which it is liable in money damages to any person who claims that such breach proximately caused injury.
   F.   When the provisions of this chapter are not remedied by county officials, civil action against Butte County is denied and county is absolved for any responsibility to enforce and/or any liability for failure to enforce.
(Ord. 563, 1990).