ARTICLE 8. Public Use District
17.62.010 Intent.
17.62.020 Permitted uses.
17.62.030 Conditional uses.
17.62.040 Maximum building height.
17.62.050 Maximum lot coverage.
17.62.060 Minimum yard requirements.
17.62.070 Minimum loading area.
17.62.080 Parking requirements.
17.62.090 Site development plan.
The following uses are permitted in the PQP district:
A. Federal, State, County and City buildings and related structures (e.g. Government administrative offices, police, fire, public works, utility offices and yards, irrigation and water supply companies, and reclamation districts).
B. Medical hospital.
C. Parks and recreation areas, fairgrounds, civic center and similar sites and uses.
D. Educational facilities.
E. Transitional, Emergency shelters, and support housing providing housing for individuals or families without time limit for year round use.
(Ord. 823-2016 § 23 (part), 2016)