17.62.030 Conditional uses.
   Conditional uses in the POP district are:
   A.   Ambulance Service.
   B.   Medical offices or medical clinic.
(Ord. 823-2016 § 23 (part), 2016)
17.62.040 Maximum building height.
   No building shall exceed a height of forty-five (45) feet unless a use permit is first secured.
(Ord. 823-2016 § 23 (part), 2016)
17.62.050 Maximum lot coverage.
   A.   The aggregate coverage of the lot by buildings and required parking area shall not exceed a total of sixty (60) percent of the total lot area.
   B.   Additional lot coverage shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter 17.09 for an increase from sixty (60) percent to ninety (90) percent.
(Ord. 823-2016 § 23 (part), 2016)