Department of Public Safety
EDITOR'S NOTE: Because of the merger of the offices of the Director of Public Safety and the Director of Public Service (see Section 244.08), references throughout these Codified Ordinances to either Director shall, after January 1, 1992, be deemed to mean the combined office of Director of Public Safety and Service.
244.01   Appointment of Police and Fire Chiefs.
244.02   Certification of eligibility list.
244.03   Probationary period.
244.04   Age limits for civil service examinations.
244.05   Compensation and benefits for temporary patrolmen.
244.06   Director of Public Safety/Service. (Repealed)
244.07   Equal Employment Officer. (Repealed)
244.08   Merger of offices of Safety and Service Directors.
244.09   Authority to enter into mutual aid police agreements.
   Contracts - see Ohio R.C. 733.22 et seq., 737.02 et seq.
   Appointment - see Ohio R.C. 737.01
   General duties and records - see Ohio R.C. 737.02 et seq.
   Police Department - see Ohio R.C. 737.05 et seq.; ADM. Ch. 246
   To appoint and remove auxiliary police officers - see Ohio R.C. 737.051
   Fire Department - see Ohio R.C. 737.08 et seq.; ADM. Ch. 248
   Classification of police and fire personnel - see Ohio R.C. 737.10, 737.13
   Director of Public Safety/Service as ADA Coordinator - see ADM. 218.02