The utility reserves the right to order electric service curtailment without regard to the priority of service when in its judgment the curtailment is required to forestall imminent and irreparable injury to life, property, or the electric system. Curtailment may include interruption of selected circuits.
(1985 Code, § 6-10-7) (Ord. 2-1978, passed 2-14-1978; Ord. 2020-13, passed 12-9-2020)
Customers failing to comply with the specified curtailment for more than seven days will be subject to disconnection for the duration of the emergency and shall be subject to a penalty in accordance with § 10.99. Energy use by industrial and large commercial customers in excess of that permitted under curtailment shall be subject to a $.10 per KWH penalty, in addition to normal billing charges, for all electric energy taken in excess of mandatory curtailment limitations. Penalty charges collected hereunder shall be segregated in a separate account, and shall be applied to reduce the fuel cost adjustment charges of industrial and large commercial customers who, during the existence of a fuel emergency, have not used electric energy in excess of mandatory curtailment limitations. Any person, firm, or corporation that violates this provision shall be subject to a penalty pursuant to § 10.99.
(1985 Code, § 6-10-8) (Ord. 2-1978, passed 2-14-1978; Ord. 2020-13, passed 12-9-2020)
The terms and provisions of this chapter shall control notwithstanding any terms and provisions of rate schedules on general rules and regulations of the utility, or any contract or agreement between the utility and any customer to the contrary.
(1985 Code, § 6-10-9) (Ord. 2-1978, passed 2-14-1978)