Customers failing to comply with the specified curtailment for more than seven days will be subject to disconnection for the duration of the emergency and shall be subject to a penalty in accordance with § 10.99. Energy use by industrial and large commercial customers in excess of that permitted under curtailment shall be subject to a $.10 per KWH penalty, in addition to normal billing charges, for all electric energy taken in excess of mandatory curtailment limitations. Penalty charges collected hereunder shall be segregated in a separate account, and shall be applied to reduce the fuel cost adjustment charges of industrial and large commercial customers who, during the existence of a fuel emergency, have not used electric energy in excess of mandatory curtailment limitations. Any person, firm, or corporation that violates this provision shall be subject to a penalty pursuant to § 10.99.
(1985 Code, § 6-10-8) (Ord. 2-1978, passed 2-14-1978; Ord. 2020-13, passed 12-9-2020)