The maintaining, using, placing, depositing, leaving or permitting of any of the following specific acts, omissions, places, conditions, and things are hereby declared to be nuisances:
A. Any odorous, putrid, unsound or unwholesome grain, meat, feathers, vegetable matter, or the whole or any part of any dead animal, fish, or fowl.
B. Privies, vaults, cesspools, dumps, pits or like places which are not securely protected from flies or rats, or which are foul or malodorous.
C. Filthy, littered or trash-covered cellars, houseyards, barnyards, stable-yards, factory-yards, mill yards, vacant areas in rear of stores, granaries, vacant lots, houses, buildings, or premises.
D. Stockpiling animal manure in a manner that causes an abundance of flies, malodorous conditions or creates other health concerns, or which is kept or handled in violation of any ordinance of the City.
E. Liquid household waste, human excreta, garbage, butcher's trimmings and offal, parts of fish or any waste vegetable or animal matter in any quantity; provided, nothing herein contained shall prevent the temporary retention of waste in receptacles in a manner approved by the health officer of the Central District Health Department, nor the dumping of non-putrefying waste in a place and manner approved by the health officer.
F. Tin cans, bottles, glass, cans, ashes, small pieces of scrap iron, wire metal articles, bric-a-brac, broken stone or cement, broken crockery, broken glass, broken plaster, and all trash or abandoned material, unless the same be kept in covered bins or galvanized iron receptacles.
G. Trash, litter, rags, accumulations of barrels, boxes, crates, packing crates, mattresses, bedding, used furniture, used appliances, excelsior, packing hay, straw or other packing material, lumber not neatly piled, scrap iron, tin or other metal not neatly piled, old automobiles or parts thereof, or any other waste materials when any of said articles or materials create a condition in which flies or rats may breed or multiply, or which may be a fire danger.
H. Any unsightly building, billboard, or other structure, or any old, abandoned or partially destroyed building or structure or any building or structure commenced and left unfinished, which said buildings, billboards or other structures are either a fire hazard or a menace to the public health or safety.
I. All places used or maintained as junk yards, or dumping grounds, or for the wrecking and dissembling of automobiles, trucks, tractors, or machinery of any kind, or for the storing or leaving of worn-out, wrecked or abandoned automobiles, trucks, tractors, or machinery of any kind, or of any of the parts thereof, or for the storing or leaving of any machinery or equipment used by contractors or buildings or by other persons.
J. Stagnant water permitted or maintained on any lot or piece of ground.
K. All other things specifically designated as nuisances elsewhere in this Code.
(Amended by Ordinance No. 8936, effective 10-13-2004) (Amended by Ordinance No. 8960, effective 3-9-2005) (Amended by Ordinance No. 8990, effective 8-10-2005)
If the owner, occupant, or agent in charge of any lot, building, or other premises, or the person responsible for the maintenance of a nuisance fails to abate said nuisance ten (10) days after a notice to abate has been mailed by ordinary first class mail and certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last known address of such person or persons, the city attorney's office may, with the consent of the mayor, bring legal action to obtain abatement of the nuisance.
In the event legal action to abate a nuisance is commenced on behalf of the City of Grand Island, the City Attorney shall request that the Court enter such order as is appropriate to expeditiously and completely abate said nuisance and that said order be of a continuing nature, permanently enjoining the defendant from continuing, maintaining, renewing or restoring said nuisance on said persons property or public property and entering a judgment against the defendant(s) for the costs incurred by the City of Grand Island in abating said nuisance conditions.
A. It shall be unlawful for any person to skateboard within the following described boundaries of the City of Grand Island: Union Pacific right-of-way on the north, Oak Street on the east, First Street on the south, and Elm Street on the west.
B. Penalty. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined according to the provisions of the Grand Island City Code.
A. The term "disorderly house" as used in this code shall mean any room, house, building, structure, or premises, where unlawful or illegal acts are being committed.
B. It shall be unlawful for the owner, occupant or person in possession, charge, or in control of any room, house, building, structure, or premises to knowingly collect or permit to be collected therein persons who are engaging in any unlawful act, or to knowingly make, cause, permit or suffer to be made therein any loud or improper noise to the annoyance or disturbance of any person or neighborhood.
C. It shall be unlawful for any person to be a resident or occupant of, or visit or frequent any disorderly house with knowledge of, and participation in, the illegal activities occurring therein.
A. Whenever a police officer has probable cause to believe that a person or persons are creating a disturbance of the peace and quiet of any person or neighborhood, such police officer may order said person or persons not residing on the premises to disperse for the purpose of abating the said nuisance.
B. It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse to comply with a lawful order to disperse given by a police officer in the performance of the officer's duties under this section.
No person shall play, use, operate or permit to be played, used or operated, any radio, tape recorder, cassette player, compact disc (CD) player, or other machine or device for reproducing sound, if it is located in or on any public property, including any public street, highway, building, sidewalk, park or thoroughfare; or any motor vehicle on a public street, highway or public space unless the volume of amplified sound shall be so controlled that it will not be audible for a distance in excess of one hundred (100) feet from the source and so that the volume is not unreasonably great and the noise, raucous, jarring, disturbing or a nuisance to persons within the area of audibility.
(Added by Ordinance No. 8958, effective 3-9-2005)
20-20.1 Definitions
A. It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of twenty-one (21) years to possess any tobacco products, vapor products or alternative nicotine products.
B. It shall not be unlawful for any person under the age of twenty-one (21) years to:
1. Possess tobacco products, vapor products or alternative nicotine products under the direct supervision of the parent or guardian of such person in the privacy of the parent's or guardian's home.
2. Sell or handle any unopened container of tobacco products, vapor products or alternative nicotine products in the course of his or her employment by a tobacco licensee; or
3. Possess or purchase tobacco products, vapor products or alternative nicotine products for the purpose of testing or enforcing compliance with statutes, laws or ordinances governing the sale of tobacco products, vapor products or alternative nicotine products as long as law enforcement is conducting the compliance check.
C. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be fined according to the provisions of the Grand Island City Code.
(Amended by Ordinance No. 9547, effective 08-04-2015) (Amended by Ordinance No. 9745, effective 09-11-2019)
A. Tobacco products shall mean any substance containing tobacco leaf, including but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacco, or dipping tobacco.
B. Vapor products shall mean any noncombustible product, whether containing nicotine or not, that employs a heating element, power source, electronic circuit, or other electronic, chemical, or mechanical means, regardless of shape or size, that can be used to produce vapor. Vapor product shall include any electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic cigarillo, electronic pipe, or similar product or device and any vapor cartridge or other container of solution that is intended to be used with or in an electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic cigarillo, electronic pipe, or similar product or device. Vapor product does not include an alternative nicotine product, cigarette, cigar, or other tobacco product, or any product regulated as a drug or device by the United States Food and Drug Administration under Chapter V of the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
C. Alternative nicotine product shall mean any noncombustible product containing nicotine that is intended for human consumption, whether chewed, absorbed, dissolved, or ingested by any other means. Alternative nicotine product does not include any vapor product, cigarette, cigar, or other tobacco product, or any product regulated as a drug or device by the United States Food and Drug Administration under Chapter V of the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
(Added by Ordinance No. 9547, effective 08-04-2015)