20-10   Horses On City Streets
   A.   It shall be unlawful for any person to tether, walk, ride, or otherwise permit one or more horses, mules, oxen, or other draft animals on or along the public right-of-way of the streets set forth in subsection (B) below, unless said person has notified the chief of police of the route to be followed at least twelve (12) hours prior to traveling thereon. Permission shall be denied if, in the opinion of the chief of police such usage would interfere with, or endanger, the normal traffic or use of the streets.
   B.   The following streets and areas shall require advance notice of usage:
      1.   Webb Road from Highway 281 to Highway 2;
      2.   Broadwell Avenue from Anna Street to northern city limits;
      3.   Eddy Street from Anna Street to State Street
      4.   Second Street;
      5.   First Street from Greenwich Avenue to Plum Street
      6.   Locust Street from Highway 34 to First Street
      7.   Central Business District: the area bounded on the north by Fourth Street, on the east by Oak Street, on the south by Koenig Street, and on the west by Eddy Street.