(a)   In the event any monies owing to the village are not paid within 30 days following service of the first notice pursuant to this section, the village clerk or the clerk’s designee shall serve a “final notice” by first class mail.
   (b)   Service shall be effective on the date the final notice was mailed.
   (c)   The notice shall advise the person that it is the “final notice” under chapter 34A of the Glencoe village code, shall describe the amount due and for what it is owed.
   (d)   The notice shall advise the person that, if the bill remains unpaid, then:
      (1)   Service may be terminated;
      (2)   A lien may be imposed upon the property to which the service was provided;
      (3)   The amount owed may be submitted to a collection agency; and
      (4)   The date after which such termination, lien filing or collection agency referral may occur.
   (e)   The final notice also shall advise the person of administrative procedures available for contesting the bill, including a description of the review procedure included in § 34A-7 of this chapter.
   (f)   The costs of serving such notice and all subsequent costs of collection (including, without limitation, reasonable attorney’s fees) shall be deemed to be, and shall be treated as, an additional fee due and owing the village for the goods, service, permit or license which gave rise to the initial debt.
(Ord. No. 09-20-3253; Ord. No. 10-13-3271; Ord. No. 2016-12-3402)