General Provisions
51.01 Definitions
51.02 Burning
51.03 Residential waste storage
51.04 Noxious matter
Garbage Collection System
51.15 Contract for collection
51.16 Monthly charges
51.17 Commercial accounts
51.18 Container size, frequency
51.19 Payments
51.20 Compost
Recycling System
51.30 Contract for collection of recyclables
51.31 Monthly fee
51.32 Containers; material
51.33 Collection of fee
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
CONTRACTOR. Any person, firm or corporation with whom the city shall contract for the collection, transportation and disposal of waste.
FAMILY RESIDENTIAL UNIT. Any residential unit in which two or more persons reside.
MULTIPLE RESIDENCE. Any single structure containing two or more dwelling units.
PERSON. Includes any natural person, corporation, firm or association.
PLACE or PREMISES. Any dwelling house, dwelling unit, apartment house or mobile dwelling unit, trailer or mobile home, retail store, restaurant, rooming house, hotel, motel, office building, department store, manufacturing, processing or assembling shop or plant, warehouse and every other place or premises where any person presides or any business is carried on or conducted within the city.
SINGLE RESIDENTIAL UNIT. Any residential unit in which one person and only one person resides.
SITE. An approved sanitary land fill waste disposal site and system, according to standards established by the state, to which wastes shall be transported and disposed of.
WASTE or WASTES. Refuse, garbage and rubbish of all kinds that accumulate in the ordinary operation of a household, or commercial or industrial establishment, including, but without limitation thereto, grass trimmings, ashes, tin cans or anything that can be contained in a 32-gallon maximum garbage bag.
(Ord. 156, passed 6-18-1973)