Any employee may be promoted from a position of one class to any vacancy existing in a position of a higher class when in the judgment of the appointing officer, the employee has the necessary qualifications to fit him for the duties of a position of such higher class, in accordance with any provisions of the civil service statutes if the employee be classified under such statutes, under the same conditions as the appointing officer is authorized to make any new appointment to the position of such higher class.
The head of any department or other agency, likewise may transfer any employee from any position to any vacancy existing in any other position that such employee is deemed qualified to fill, under like conditions.
Whenever any employee is deemed by the head of the department or other agency in which he is employed, to be unable or unwilling to perform the duties of the position occupied by him in a satisfactory manner, by reason of physical disability of a temporary or permanent character resulting from accident or illness or other cause, or for any other reason, the head of the department or other agency may cause such employee to be demoted to any position of a lower class in which a vacancy exists that the employee is deemed competent to fill. In such a case the rate of pay shall be fixed at such rate of the scale for such lower class as may be applicable under the provisions of this chapter.
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to limit or affect any authority to remove or dismiss any employee from the City service heretofore possessed by any officer.
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to limit, abrogate, change or affect the rights, privileges, benefits, or limitations created or imposed by the civil service laws of the State. (Ord. 168-1958. Passed 10-20-58.)