The rate of pay of any employee on appointment to any position shall be the mimimum rate of the scale for the class to which the position is allocated; provided, however, that under circumstances where the prospective employee possesses superior qualifications for the position to which he is to be appointed or where it is necessary to offer him a higher salary than that of the mimimum rate for the class to which the position is allocated in order to induce him to enter the City service, the Mayor, after stating in writing his reasons therefor, may appoint or authorize an appointment at any rate within the scale for the class to which the position has been allocated; and provided further, that where a person already in the service is transferred, demoted, or promoted to, or a former employee is re-employed in a position, he shall be paid at the same rates as in his former position, if there be such a rate in the scale for the class of the new position, and if not, at the rate next higher than his former rate and, if there be no such higher rate, then the maximum rate for the class.
    Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, persons employed in
skilled and common labor positions on a basis of time actually engaged and without allowances for absence from work, may be paid at hourly rates related as closely as may be practicable to the minimum rates of the scales provided under this chapter, such rates to be determined by the Mayor on the recommendations of the heads of departments and other agencies. The head of a department or other agency with the approval of the Mayor, may employ a person for a trial period of not to exceed six months at such rate of pay below the minimum rate of the scale for the class, as the head of the department or other agency may determine. (Ord. 168-1958. Passed 10-20-58.)