(a)   There is hereby created the Garfield Heights Senior Citizens Advisory Board.
   (b)   Total membership of the Advisory Board shall not exceed fifteen members; the Mayor, all members of Council, the Director of Office On Aging, the senior citizen coordinator, and the nutrition site coordinator are all ex-officio members.
   (c)   The Advisory Board shall be governed by by-laws which initially shall be promulgated by ordinance of Council. Thereafter the Commission On Aging, by two-thirds vote of its membership may supplement, amend or delete any
existing by-laws. A complete set of the Advisory Board's by-laws, including any amendments or supplementation thereto, shall be kept on file with the Clerk
of Council for public inspection.
   (d)   The purpose of the Advisory Board shall be to represent all programs
on aging in the City; assist the Director of the Office On Aging; suggest, plan
and develop programs for senior citizens; make senior citizens aware of facilities, programs and activities available to them on the Federal, State and
local levels; and serve and promote the well being of the senior citizens of this City.
   (e)   All members of the Advisory Board shall serve without compensation.
(Ord. 71-1980. Passed 7-14-80.)