Ord. No. Date Description
18-1945 9-11-45 Lot 88 on Thraves Ave.
73-1952 8-11-52 Sublots I - 20 in Seltzer Round Subdivision.
82-1959 9-14-59 Sublot 79 in Murray Farm Allotment.
100-1961 7-28-61 Part of Independence Twp. Lot 22 in J.A. Granger Subdivision.
118-1965 1-10-66 Exchange of parcel with Elizabeth C. Ferrara.
11-1973 1-22-73 Exchange of real property on Service Court with J. Stefe and S. and A. Pavelka.
31-1975 3-24-75 Sale of certain real estate to the State of Ohio for construction of I-480.
6-1977 1-10-77 Exchange of real property with St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church.
24-1979 5-29-79 Transfers part of Parcel 545-14-5 to Ridenour.
69-1987 9-14-87 Authorizes sale of 0.5407 acres located north of Rockside Road and south of Valley Lane Drive no longer needed for municipal purposes.
78-1990 8-13-90 Directs agreement with Ohio Dept. of Transportation for sale of City property relative to the widening of Turney Rd.
79-1990 8-13-90 Directs agreement with Ohio Dept. of Transportation for sale of City property relative to the widening of Turney Rd.
24-2012 5-7-12 City to sell consolidated lots identified as Real Estate Purchase Agreement (Exhibit 1) to Cuyahoga County Public Library for one dollar ($1.00).
68-2021 9-13-21 Mayor authorized to sign an Agreement of Purchase and Sale of 47.7 acres of land known as Cuyahoga County Permanent Parcels 543-34-048, 543-35-001, 543-35-002, 543-33-003, 543-36-002, 546-36-003, 543-36-004, and 543-37-001, and otherwise known as the “Wargo Farm Property” to the Board of Park Commissioners of the Cleveland Metropolitan Park District.